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EarthFairy |
7 months, 3 weeks ago by EarthFairy
@halokiwi Oh no worries 😄 It's really not that serious, do not worry about me. It just happens to me sometimes because I simply make a mistake. I do it a lot 🙂
doezknotz |
9 months, 1 week ago by doezknotz
I’m sorry I meant to rate this 5 stars 😊
halokiwi |
11 months, 2 weeks ago by halokiwi
@EarthFairy hey, it's just a bracelet, it's not the end of the world 😄 Just because you did not cut the strings long enough, does not mean you are incompetent in general. I'm sure there are many things you are good at and the next time you are going to make this pattern, I'm sure you are going to cut the string long enough.If you ever run out of strings in a normal pattern, you can attach new string to it. Alex's innovations has a great video on how to replace broken strings in which she explains different methods. |
EarthFairy |
11 months, 2 weeks ago by EarthFairy
JESUS, I did it again... I used strings not long enough + I forgot that the darkest string in the middle (B) HAS TO BE even longer than the rest... God forbid I do something correctly aaaaaaaaa! 😤But I love the pattern!! It created a really nice effect, I'll definitely do it another one ❤️ |
gebaker |
1 year, 3 months ago by gebaker
The other pattern in my photo is pattern number 133144!
cchagen11 |
3 years, 10 months ago by cchagen11
nev_m_07 |
4 years ago by nev_m_07
this is really cool!
12345puppy |
4 years ago by 12345puppy
@jeje_mko u did such a great job I povr this pattern
RHoude |
4 years, 1 month ago by RHoude
danielle_3 |
4 years, 1 month ago by danielle_3
@RHoude love it great job! the colors look so good together