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LoopyCat |
4 years, 6 months ago by LoopyCat
@its-sophie Thanks!! 😇 I don't know how familiar you are with the knotting techniques in friendship bracelets, but here's how it works:Every knot you tie involves 2 strings. One of them gets wrapped over & around the other one to make a knot. Whichever string you do the "wrapping" with is the one that will show up as the color of the knot, since you're wrapping it OVER & around the other string; thus covering over & hiding the other string's color. In this pattern, the first knot on Row 1 is a forward knot (indicated by the arrow). A forward knot is the left hand string tied/wrapped around the right hand string, so whatever color the left hand string is, that'll be the color that shows on the knot. The right hand string color will be hidden in that knot. Backward knots are the reverse -- they're made by tying/wrapping the right hand string over & around the left hand string, resulting in a knot that's the color of the right hand string. So in Row 1, if the first knot (a forward knot) was tied as a backward knot instead, then the knot would show up as the color of the right hand string rather than the left. If you're a beginner, you should definitely watch the video tutorials available on this site to learn the basic knotting techniques & how to understand the arrows, etc on a pattern. You'll get the hang of it in no time! Good luck! ❤️ |
its-sophie |
4 years, 6 months ago by its-sophie
love this pattern!! i dont understand how you can only see the black in the middle of the diamonds!!