11 Similar patterns
32 Photos
by firefox979
by tobadtosad
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halokiwi |
2 months, 2 weeks ago by halokiwi
@lindalopez I recommend checking out MashaKnots' video on doubling patterns. Afterwards you should be able to double any pattern you want 😄
lindalopez |
2 months, 2 weeks ago by lindalopez
Can someone show how to do this pattern 72646 but in a double bracelet thanks
Bugzy |
9 months ago by Bugzy
@pwagner3 THANK YOUUU 🙏🙏
pwagner3 |
9 months, 1 week ago by pwagner3
@Bugzy try looking at 26403, 26051, 31437, 93406, and 107638. These are all on my todos that I plan on using color changing thread with.
Bugzy |
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Bugzy
Can someone recommend similar patterns that I could use a color-changing thread with? I have so much of it and no inspiration 😢