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vanesaclot |
3 years, 3 months ago by vanesaclot
really enjoyed making this bracelet. super unique pattern 💗
halokiwi |
3 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
Thank you so much @kris-b 😍 Both your bracelets turned out absolutely gorgeous and I especially love the twist you added to one of them 😉 I'm really honoured that this pattern is inspiring you so much 😄
kris-b |
3 years, 4 months ago by kris-b
I loved this pattern as soon as I saw it. I think it is really unique and @halokiwi you did a brilliant job designing it. I think I pretty much made it immediately but I never posted a photo of the first one I made. So I posted it now (the one on the dictionary). I think it is made exactly following the pattern. As soon as I finished my first one, I decided to make it again and make my colors a little better and reverse the pattern. I also decided to do the knots on the left side in rows 19-38 as a Chinese Staircase because I thought it would be interesting to have a solid color and different texture setting off the "arrows". @halokiwi I seriously don't think any pattern has ever inspired me as much as this one and your praise means a lot to me. @moxie your comments have me very interested. I would love to know more about what you mean when you say "at least one rotation of their pattern made in 3D". I have started doing a thing on a lot of my patterns where I do an extra repeat of the pattern before I submit it; in other words, I copy and paste the full pattern so that it's easy to see how the last lines of the pattern transition to the beginning of the pattern. Is that what you mean? I find it really helpful and I think it would be a great addition to BraceletBook if you could do it automatically when viewing a pattern. And, @moxie you should definitely make this pattern! |
halokiwi |
3 years, 4 months ago by halokiwi
@moxie when I saw your comment in my notifications I thought this was about one of my cube patterns, but that did not turn out to be true 😅 I'm not sure what you mean by 3D in regards to this specific pattern.This pattern was inspired by popular aztec patterns like #28009 but instead of the regular diamonds I wanted to make one with a heart. That of course leads to the pattern being asymmetrical and a little weird where the lower part of the heart is but I tried my best to make it work. I also have a pattern similar to this one but without gaps. It might be a little easier to knot: #91077 In general with aztec patterns (not just this one) I have noticed that the thinner parts with only three strings need more knots than indicated in the pattern because the knots get squiched together more. You just have to try how many you need to make in order for it to align with the rest of the pattern or try to pull these parts a little longer 🙂 The bracelet @kris-b made seems to be very well planned out. I can imagine that she did it like she did for aesthetic purposes and not necessarily because of an issue with the pattern, but you would have to ask her about this. I would also be curious about your feedback @kris-b because so far you are the only one who knotted this and your bracelet turned out really gorgeous! 😍 @moxie if you are referring to parts of the pattern in the photo being mirrored, you could take a screenshot of the pattern and mirror that. I decided to do the pattern like I did because as I said I was inspired by the aztec patterns which usually aren't symmetrical. I would not have even thought about mirroring it, so props to you @kris-b |
moxie |
3 years, 4 months ago by moxie
So this pattern is super cute; only...its a perfect example of why I think pattern creators should submit a picture of at least one rotation of their pattern made in 3D; if not the completed bracelet: because so many patterns do not translate the same once they're knotted irl with thread. This; for me, is one of those. And again--i love it i think its beautiful however im having a hell of a time modifying that bottom section/border with the tiny triangles into something that is cohesive and also looks aesthetically pleasing as to me; while adorable in 2D; in 3D theres too much trying to happen within too little thread....it just didn't lay correctly or look right for me. And given the one picture someone else submitted is also deviating from the pattern in the exact same section im having trouble with; makes me wonder if they perhaps came to the same conclusions....on top of modifying it to have a better flow/more seamless transition, im also trying to figure out how to modify the end of the pattern so that it rotates in color ....which I think is easy once I tweak this one lil spot 😉 ..but I love everything else about it; its gorgeous, I love your work so thanks for sharing!
Morgana45 |
3 years, 8 months ago by Morgana45
@clairehair No entiendo por qué has borrado mi comentario.
Morgana45 |
3 years, 8 months ago by Morgana45
@halokiwi THANK YOU
halokiwi |
3 years, 8 months ago by halokiwi
@Morgana45 I would start with a triangle start using the purple edge of the heart as the edge of my triangle start 🙂
Morgana45 |
3 years, 8 months ago by Morgana45
Hello, someone who made this bracelet ... how did you start it. @halokiwi
halokiwi |
3 years, 9 months ago by halokiwi
Thank you @ToneTexas and @elephant_5 ❤️The pattern is inspired by @innovate's aztec pattern #28009. I wanted to see if it was possible to extend it so it forms a heart. |