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emilyyy307 |
3 months ago by emilyyy307
@lxtina if I’m being totally honest with you as the creator of this pattern, this pattern is not the best. I tried it and after I got through one or two hearts I realized that pattern was way two small for the hearts to look good. I believe I understand your question now. I might not so please correct me. So are you talking about the strings instead of the knots? I see this on row 2. Essentially just ignore the where the lines are. Focus on the knots part of it. If it doesn’t look heart like it’s probably because of the pattern. There are patterns similar to this if you want to look up those
lxtina |
3 months ago by lxtina
@emilyyy307 I am aware of that. That's why I used it. Lol That's not what I was asking. On either bracelet the strings that you leave out that row one is pointed and the other is straight. Is that just to illustrate that it's a heart clearer or something I'm not doing to the leftout strings that I should?. Does that make any sense? I already made the patterns two bracelets. I messed up the one bad lol the other much better but still don't look heart like.
emilyyy307 |
3 months, 1 week ago by emilyyy307
@lxtina I suggest watching MashaKnots tutorial for normal patterns. This pattern is meant to be two separate bracelets. So you would knot one half of the pattern and then the other half. For the arrows you are confused about are forward backward/ backward forward knots. I believe mashaknots explains this more in depth in her video. You can just search her up on youtube (type in Mashaknots normal patterns tutorial) and it should come up
lxtina |
3 months, 1 week ago by lxtina
I am still new to learning patterns. Can someone tell me with the strings that get left out, what does it mean when the one is pointed like an arrow < and the other side | straight up?
BluegazeS |
8 months, 2 weeks ago by BluegazeS
@Fl27vy c’est deux différents👍
LunarXD |
1 year, 5 months ago by LunarXD
@halokiwi Thats so cool 😊
halokiwi |
1 year, 5 months ago by halokiwi
@LunarXD I can also speak German
LunarXD |
1 year, 5 months ago by LunarXD
@halokiwi do you speak another language besides English?
halokiwi |
1 year, 5 months ago by halokiwi
@Fl27vy sorry, I don't speak French, but this is meant as two separate bracelets that match.
Fl27vy |
1 year, 5 months ago by Fl27vy
Je trouve ce modèle très beau mais j'ai mal compris, c'est un seul bracelet ou deux différents ?