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halokiwi |
3 years, 7 months ago by halokiwi
@MsMShinoda no worries 🙂 thank you for your comment. I'm glad you like the pattern and that it is inspiring you 💞
MsMShinoda |
3 years, 7 months ago by MsMShinoda
ps I AM SOooo SoerRryy that that comment got SO LONG lol damn insomnia nights!
MsMShinoda |
3 years, 7 months ago by MsMShinoda
Ohhh FINALLY !! I've been looking for THE PERFECT PATTERN...ALONG with the IDEAL COLORS (I , mean, yes, OF COURSE i know i can use any colors I want for any pattern. But, sometimes it really IS kinda hard to truly visualize a design with specific colors YOU want- like, honestly- & I don't mean to be rude here- but, the "original" w/reds yellows & oranges... I almost completely passed over it in my searching cuz I didn't really like those colors) but, I've been trying to find an ideal, somewhat "simple" pattern with 10-12 strings- using a friend of mine's favorite colors: INKS, BLUES & PURPLE It's perfect!!! ❤️ love it! (but, hey, I had an idea that I'm actually going to try MYSELF & t hats just doing a CONTINUOUS "chain" of the "5 diamonds," but no space between any of the 5, just begin the next sequence of them again using the 5th to ALSO simply become the "1st/6th" diamond in the "next sequence" & continue the entire bracelet this way... in fact, i wish i COULD just make this slightly altered' so, do to ROW 38, THEN for what would be 39- just begin from Row 13 again... and just keep doing that the entire time? (I hope that made sense lol) Also- SOOO. NICE OF YOU TO INCLUDING THESE TRIANGULAR SHAPED END In the start of your pattern actually! Thank you so much for this pattern/variation!! 👍 ❤️ 😘put6-8wks |
empalacios |
3 years, 8 months ago by empalacios
This is near that you built the triangle ends into the bracelet!!