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Alex_02 |
1 year, 7 months ago by Alex_02
@shadowsong its ok, thank you for doing your research and correcting yourself. i appreciate your response.
shadowsong |
1 year, 7 months ago by shadowsong
Sorry I pressed enter before finishing but I am sorry about the difficulties that this has caused and am sorry for making anyone feel uncomfortable or not a good person sorry.
shadowsong |
1 year, 7 months ago by shadowsong
@Alex_02 @halokiwi I am very sorry and I am doing further reading on the subject I was misinformed and made a very bad mistake. I am very disappointed in myself for implying that you hurt people @Alex_02. This will not happen again and I am very mad and disappointed I’m myself. I am sorry for the difficulties that mr.
Alex_02 |
1 year, 7 months ago by Alex_02
@shadowsong hey! maker of the pattern here (been inactive due to personal stuff so sorry for the late response). i am a satanist myself, and designed this pattern because of that. halokiwi is correct that the pentagram, specifically the upside down pentagram, is used as a symbol in satanism. satanism is a very old religion and has existed for many many years, and has been using the symbol for many years as well. i see that you mentioned that using the pentagram as a symbol of Satan was not the intended use when the symbol was made. this is 100% true, but it was also not made to be a wiccan symbol. it was (as far as we know by tracing the symbol back through human history) originally used in Greece as a symbol of the philosopher/mathematician Pythagoras, to help his followers recognise each other. on another note, it is incorrect to imply that satanism promotes hurting people. modern satanism instead teaches people to only ever resort to harm as a means of protecting themselves or loved ones, and to never hurt animals or young children under any circumstances. i hope this was informative |
halokiwi |
1 year, 7 months ago by halokiwi
@shadowsong pentagrams have been used in many different ways throughout and in different cultures. I don't think there is one meaning to the pentagram that is objectively the only correct meaning.Satanism uses an upside-down pentagram while Wicca uses a pentagram. Satanism seems to be older than Wicca and has used the symbol of the pentagram for a longer time than Wicca did. So saying that the only intention of the pattern can be that it relates to Wicca does not really make sense. I'm not trying to start a fight with you. I told you before that keywords are picked by the user who posts the pattern. For the user the pattern relates to satanism. For you the pattern can have a different meaning, but that does not make the meaning that this pattern has to the user who posted it and to other users any less correct. |
shadowsong |
1 year, 7 months ago by shadowsong
@NoodleCup I never said I owned the pentagram but I have never seen it used for as a symbol of Satan. I’m just saying that this was not what it was intended to be when it was made.
NoodleCup |
1 year, 8 months ago by NoodleCup
@shadowsong bc you don’t own the pentagram? It is a symbol that’s relevant to more than just your religion. It can also be a part of satanism, which is also a non-harmful religious view.
shadowsong |
1 year, 8 months ago by shadowsong
Blessed be
shadowsong |
1 year, 8 months ago by shadowsong
Ummm… why did you put the devil as one of the tags. I’m Wiccan and this is a part of our religion. We do not worship satan. We are a earth based religion and it is in the Wiccan rede that we can not harm anyone.
Alex_02 |
2 years, 11 months ago by Alex_02
LMAO 😂 i just realised one of my tags says “satin” instead of “Satan” omg oops lol