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afc610 |
4 years, 11 months ago by afc610
Just an FYI, make sure to cut the white strings longer than the rest, because they are used the most😊👍🏼
AwesomeGrl |
4 years, 11 months ago by AwesomeGrl
I love this pattern! 🙂
sodapop |
5 years ago by sodapop
@maadzikaa oh yes, too tiny can be a problem. 😲 Do you try to print directly from the page, or using the "print" link at top of page? It always makes me download a pdf first then I just open the pdf document and print from that. Be sure to check the settings here before downloading the page... there's a section that allows you change the percentage bigger or smaller... should be at 100%. Printers also have that same setting to check for. Some people even just write the knots or arrows on paper. This pattern is actually only 8 lines of knots (not too much to write down) then it repeats to cycle through all the colors. Good luck! 😊 |
maadzikaa |
5 years ago by maadzikaa
@sodapop colours are ok, it is not the ink problem. Patterns saves as a tiny image so it is extremely difficult to follow. I tried a few other, same thing. But I will find a way 😁
sodapop |
5 years ago by sodapop
@maadzikaa I'm sorry to hear that. I've never had a problem printing patterns before, except colors can seem a bit dark at times, but I have a laser printer. Do other patterns print out ok for you? Does ink need to be replaced?
maadzikaa |
5 years ago by maadzikaa
pattern looks amazing, but it prints awfully.... really wanted to make it without looking at screen