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EWmoon |
4 years, 5 months ago by EWmoon
@halokiwi thank you so much for the detailed directions. This helps a LOT. I didn’t know you could start anywhere on the pattern so thats good to know. I really appreciate you taking the time!!🤘
halokiwi |
4 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
@EWmoon I didn't properly tag you in my reply but you can see it in my previous comment. I hope this helps in any way.
halokiwi |
4 years, 6 months ago by halokiwi
@ EWmoonI'm going to start to explain from the beginning how I'd do it. - Put the strings in the order you can see on top. I'd start with the knot in row 8 so your first step is to make a knot between the two black strings in the middle. - Once you've made the knot between the two black strings in the middle you take the left string of the two and do 3 b knots, then you take the right string and do three f knots. You always do the same thing on both sides - just mirrored. - You do any knot between the two white strings that are now in the middle. With the left one I do one b and one bf knot. With the right one I do one f and one fb knot. -You do any knot with the two black strings in the middle. -You take the white string on the left of the two middle black strings and do a f knot. With the white string on the right of the two black strings you do a b knot. With the two white strings in the middle you do any knot. - You take the black string all the way on the left nd do f knots until you are in the middle. With the black string on the right you do b knots towards the middle. |
EWmoon |
4 years, 6 months ago by EWmoon
I tried to do this but can’t quite figure how to read it. I got to line 4 and got all jumbled. This is the first pattern i have tried besides a simple chevron. My problem is I’m not sure what order to make the knots in and exactly how to read the pattern. I’ve searched for tips in lots of places but I’m still missing some fundamentals.Can anyone give me a breakfown of how you read this and how to know the order, or point me in a direction for more info? Thanks! |