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MsMShinoda |
3 years, 8 months ago by MsMShinoda
Oh, ha! I never knew that one!? Thanks!...now I can't get that Narwhal song out of my head that was on some silly internet video from back in the day BEFORE everyone & their moms (literally) knew what YouTube even WAS & we all went to some website called "eBaumsWorld" or something like that, that only had like, max 150 videos on it- soooo, we ALL knew all of them?! (Circa 2005?) Man. This makes me feel so old lol |
Aracne |
3 years, 8 months ago by Aracne
@MsMShinoda a narwhal is the perfect example of fusiform=spindle-shape 👍 🙂
Aracne |
3 years, 8 months ago by Aracne
You have chosen a Spanish-speaking person to ask this question 🙂 . I will try to answer you as best as possible 😉 . Fusiform are the spindle-shaped figures. Fishes are a good example of a fusiform shape. Remember that Wikipedia answers all our questions 🙂 . If you don't know what a spindle is, look at the photo of my avatar. I hope I have answered you and from now on I will keep the fusiform word in mind when I am going to give keywords to my patterns. But this pattern is not fusiform 🙂 @MsMShinoda wishing you a nice they and Kind regards, @Aracne😊
MsMShinoda |
3 years, 8 months ago by MsMShinoda
....0ok, MAYBE I'm just a huge dumb-dumb, but, what is "Fusiform"?? I always am scanning the lists onto keywords used in patterns I like for ones I maybe haven't tried using in a search before- but, eahHH, I don't think I've ever heard that word in my whole life'- not do I recall ever seeing it listed as a keyword for any ither bracelets, but, hey! I'm just curious?!