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12 Photos

by dachshund1

by _homemade_
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jagajaga13 |
3 months, 3 weeks ago by jagajaga13
@dachshund1 this is really impress 😍 🔥
JustString |
1 year, 5 months ago by JustString
@dachshund1 can I ask how many skeins you used? I wanna make sure to buy enough
KK120308 |
1 year, 10 months ago by KK120308
This is really pretty but it’s giving depressed era. I will make this into a gift for my friend though 😀
rollergirl |
2 years, 6 months ago by rollergirl
How many inches across is one of these?? I’m wanting to make it for a chapstick holder but I want to make sure it will fit right?!?!
slayqueen1 |
2 years, 8 months ago by slayqueen1
Thank you so much @savannahe @Pawsknot!
Pawsknot |
2 years, 8 months ago by Pawsknot
@slayqueen1 I made the pattern as is but knotted the edges together, so it's round and not flat like a typical bracelet. You can see how to do that in Masha's doubling patterns video. I knotted the keyring into I of the loops, it's easiest to put it into the loop before you close them up and start making the pattern. I ended it off with basic overhand knots but did multiple of them. I hope this helps, and good luck with your project.
savannahe |
2 years, 8 months ago by savannahe
@slayqueen1 I just made the pattern to the length that a chapstick would be and then i folded it and stitched it together and then stitched the bottom up!
slayqueen1 |
2 years, 8 months ago by slayqueen1
Hi @litrosie, @kb_ines, @_homemade_, @savannahe, and @Pawsknot, could any of you provide a quick explanation as to how you made those bags? Thank you!
gambusca |
2 years, 8 months ago by gambusca
@dachshund1 hello, can I have a chance to see the finished bag you knit?
Navylizard |
3 years, 5 months ago by Navylizard
how do they dooooooooooooo???????????????????????? 😐