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by CantDoThis

by orangecat4
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Tifflynn |
7 months, 3 weeks ago by Tifflynn
@sodapop can I just repeat the first 8 rows over and over again?
orangecat4 |
1 year ago by orangecat4
loving the gradient effect, as well as the edges!! ❤️
mgs905 |
3 years, 8 months ago by mgs905
audrimorse |
3 years, 10 months ago by audrimorse
I did this with 4 colors instead, using black, and 3 different ombre colored strings and it looked really cool!
AmzgAndrea |
3 years, 11 months ago by AmzgAndrea
Thanks @Margaron! 💙
Margaron |
3 years, 11 months ago by Margaron
@AmzgAndrea thank you for the mention! Your bracelet is beautiful! 🥰
AmzgAndrea |
3 years, 11 months ago by AmzgAndrea
To answer the closure question: I borrowed the idea I saw from a YouTuber named Megan Morris (her name on BB is @Margaron). She did a video on it called the buckle closure. The basis is a loop at the beginning, then at the end another loop big enough to fit the knot of your bracelet string (I double knotted mine) and then a bunch of square knots until the bracelet it long enough that you can feed the knot through your starter loop and then backtrack through the end loop - securing it. I hope that makes sense, but her video will show it much better 😁
AmzgAndrea |
3 years, 11 months ago by AmzgAndrea
Thank you @bbinski! And @Wassap1237 I messaged you. Didn't know I could post right here.
bbinski |
3 years, 11 months ago by bbinski
Wow looks so pretty! 🌺 @AmzgAndrea
Wassap1237 |
3 years, 11 months ago by Wassap1237
hey, @AmzgAndrea what beginning and ending did you do for ur bracelet I really like it 😄!