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kob2 |
4 years ago by kob2
i loved this pattern it was so much fun to make1! im hoping to expirement a little more with the colors more next time i make it 😉 <3
Rey_Knots |
4 years ago by Rey_Knots
This is such an amazing pattern
emmaadams |
4 years ago by emmaadams
@Odanak1811 Oh ok I’m sorry it’s just looks exactly the same
emmaadams |
4 years ago by emmaadams
Oh ok I’m sorry it just looked exactly the same
Odanak1811 |
4 years ago by Odanak1811
@emmaadams I just published a variation of this pattern with the colors placed differently (it should be accepted soon), and this variation wouldn’t have worked with pattern #10901 because of the different knot structure 🙂
Odanak1811 |
4 years ago by Odanak1811
@emmaadams I looked before publishing this pattern if there was similar patterns but I used the keyword "plaid" which I thought described the pattern really well. Unfortunately, pattern #10901 doesn’t have many keywords and "plaid" isn’t one of them, so I didn’t see it in my search. But if you compare both patterns, the plaid part is not exactly the same as well as the borders
emmaadams |
4 years ago by emmaadams
There is a lot of this types of pattern but this is the same things as #10901 even if it doesn’t look like it is so why did this get excepted?
LydLyd |
4 years ago by LydLyd
@1aesthetic oh ok
1aesthetic |
4 years ago by 1aesthetic
@LydLyd I’m not a mod or anything so what I’m saying is probably false but I think there might be multiple of this pattern bc in working on this one and it’s not the one you listed
LydLyd |
4 years ago by LydLyd
This pattern is super cool but isn’t it a duplicate of #10901? It has different knots, but the design is the same.