11 Similar patterns
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sloane07 |
3 years, 11 months ago by sloane07
@ekuehn16 read below
ekuehn16 |
3 years, 11 months ago by ekuehn16
I- this is a stolen pattern 🙁
sloane07 |
4 years ago by sloane07
@https_ari ohhh I’m sorry. I thought I had worded it right but I guess not. The colors I used made it look a lot like your pattern but it really is just a normal repeating diamond pattern just like a bunch of other patterns. And a piece of your pattern is just part of it. I really hope this makes sense 🙂
https_ari |
4 years ago by https_ari
@presleyj07 when she asked me I thought she was just asking about color combos not making a pattern, that's why I was confused
slandrum |
4 years ago by slandrum
love this!
presleyj07 |
4 years ago by presleyj07
@https_ari she asked you if you’re ok with it 🤔
sloane07 |
4 years ago by sloane07
@presleyj07 ❤️
presleyj07 |
4 years ago by presleyj07
So prettyyy 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
halokiwi |
4 years ago by halokiwi
@graceknot the pattern by @https_ari has different sized diamonds while this has only one diamond size.
sloane07 |
4 years ago by sloane07
To those of you saying it’s like @https_ari’s pattern. I know it is. I am 100% aware of that. I even made it! I just thought one of the parts of the pattern were cool and i recreated it. I even asked her to use the colors and said it was gonna be similar.