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MsMShinoda |
3 years, 2 months ago by MsMShinoda
Ahhh MAN!! I absolutely LOVE THIS! too bad I'm only JUST NOW getting my comfortable doing 14+16 string patterns (finally moving beyond my "10&12 string limit"! Well, besides some of the "Shaped" patterns with 18-24 strings I've been fine doing- but for some reason those don't ever seem AS hectic as a 24 string REGULAR pattern such as this?!)I would so LOVE to do this- it's beautiful! I suppose in THEORY- there's nothing about this pattern that's "Beyond My Capabilities," but- I'd be a liar if I said this looks easy-peasy!? .... someday, Carlie. Some day. Lofty dreams & ambitions I have, hahaha. "Successfully complete a 6 color, 24-string friendship bracelet pattern!" *I'll just slide that one in my "Goals" list somewhere between... "Bake even ONE. SINGLE. TRAY. of a dozen Nestlé-,Tollhouse Chocolate.Chip cookies that actually not only LOOK perfect (something I can almost ALWAYS manage!?) But WITHOUT BURNING THEM TO A CRISP & achieving managing to make them EDIBLE?! That- aaand maybe somewhere before "Finish Reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged"... Something I BEGAN over 10yrs ago & still DO have a bookmark in that dang 1,400pg door-stop of a book around page 980?! THAT'S SERIOUS PROGRESS. OKAY PEOPLE?!? yeaahh... Just gimme another decade or so & I SWEAR I'LL DO THIS ONE???! |
sodapop |
4 years, 3 months ago by sodapop
@frannyties thank you! 😊
frannyties |
4 years, 3 months ago by frannyties
Im making this rn and it looks so cool, great pattern @sodapop ! 😛
KrazyKnotz |
4 years, 3 months ago by KrazyKnotz
Konakat1 |
4 years, 3 months ago by Konakat1
Woahhh! It’s an optical illusion!!👍