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wormfart |
1 year, 9 months ago by wormfart
I'm autistic and I think i'll make this but with just the symbols! I like this symbol and how it represents that autism is a spectrum and can't be defined by "high functioning" or "low functioning" labels. as someone who is high masking, and medium support needs, I would be labeled as high functioning and be forced to mask even more which makes life really hard
IronWoman |
3 years, 10 months ago by IronWoman
I was diagnosed with autism back in July 2020. I am high functioning.
jansport |
4 years, 2 months ago by jansport
@hlc np! It’s best to be informed than to assume. You may not notice someone is autistic because they might not be very high up on the spectrum (high functioning) or because they’ve had enough therapy and schooling to help them “blend in” (so to speak). No case of autism is the same as another; what people consider “noticeable” signs might be present in one person and nonexistent in another. Really it’s not the sort of thing I can explain in a few sentences- autism is complicated. But I’m happy that you see past disabilities and I’m happy that you want to educate yourself! The world would have so much less conflict if more people were like you 🙂
hlc |
4 years, 2 months ago by hlc
@jansport sorry for all the questions, I just don't wanna offend people 🙂
hlc |
4 years, 2 months ago by hlc
Also, is it bad that I don't even notice someones autistic? Like it dosen't even come to mind. I knew my bf for 2 years before he told me and if he didn't I would have never know. I was taught my people with disabilities to see past that, but does it offend ppl? Like if they tell me about I acknowledge it, but treat them as a normal person. I mean, I accommodate their needs, but see them as real people.
jansport |
4 years, 2 months ago by jansport
@hlc I believe it’s still new- or, if it’s popular, probably only with younger generations. But I don’t have social media so I can’t be sure.
hlc |
4 years, 2 months ago by hlc
@jansport After poating that I asked my boyfriend and he says all people want nothing to do with autism speaks and that makes absolute perfect sense. If I was being mocked/shamed and abused because I "didn't fit in" Id want nothing to do with it either. Thanks for answering my question!Also, I haven't really seen the rainbow infinity symbol very many places, at least, besides tik tok. Is it widely used or still a newer empowerment symbol? 😊 ❤️ |
jansport |
4 years, 2 months ago by jansport
@hlc After learning about autism speaks I’ve been on the lookout for the puzzle piece. I haven’t seen it since. I believe that once something has a negative connotation- especially one as sinister- it’s beyond retrieving. Rejecting the puzzle piece isn’t just declining autism speaks, it’s declining everything that it stands for, every twisted and abusive idea. I don’t think it’s okay to use the puzzle piece with anyone, even if they’re neurotypical and don’t know. Thank you for asking though! It’s always best to ask instead of assume.. good day!
hlc |
4 years, 2 months ago by hlc
I have a question @jansportIs it still okay to use the puzzle piece symbol at all, or do people some absolutely hate it My boyfriend taught me a lot about autism speaks and how it is literally so awful, but I was wondering if people still use the puzzle piece and if it's meaning has changed. Either way, I still like the infinity sign so much better. It's so cute and minimalist ❤️ Again, no hate, just curious. My bf (who is autistic) doesn't like to talk about it so I don't ask And goodness gracious, there is nothing wrong with being disabled My partner and I are both disabled and we're doing all right, no need to pity us Anyone still reading . . . . HAVE A LOVELY DAY, DARLING! ❤️ |
IronWoman |
4 years, 5 months ago by IronWoman
Love it