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97.2% (88 ratings)
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60 Photos

by knotmyname

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BeetleNugi |
1 year, 11 months ago by BeetleNugi
@ann_hm I love what you did with this pattern! So creative 😊
Disneyala |
3 years, 10 months ago by Disneyala
@patchie first of all...your bracelets are amazing! Second, about how many rows did you do before you did the moon or the sun?
Hassey |
4 years ago by Hassey
@-Anyone- my plesure! 🙂
-Anyone- |
4 years ago by -Anyone-
@Hassey tysm, I watched it and I'm making the bracelet, thank you for the clarification ❤️
Hassey |
4 years ago by Hassey
@-Anyone- no problem! Alex's Innovations has a tuorial on how to make the shaped bracelet technique. The video is called EVIL EYE / SHAPED ALPHA FRIENDSHIP BRACELET TUTORIAL / Alex's Innovations . I use the straight edges technique and the flat alpha technique. Hope this helps!
-Anyone- |
4 years ago by -Anyone-
@Hassey sorry for being not being specific, I really love the way you made your bracelet shaped. I roughly know how to make one with an alpha pattern, so I'm making sure this is the correct technique. You need to cut your strings and separate them in half, and you need to keep doing forward backward and backward forward knots to achieve the thin start and end of the bracelet, and then you need to make triangle ends to make the design? Sorry if this is confusing and if it's a stupid question, I tend to ask those a lot
Hassey |
4 years ago by Hassey
@-Anyone- I don't really understand what you are mean, do you mean at the pattern when I did the closing so I could continue doing the bracelet or how I did the triangle ends? If you could send me a message to describe me what you meant to say. There are tutorials on BraceletBook and YouTube. I'll send you a message for more details. 🙂
-Anyone- |
4 years ago by -Anyone-
@Hassey correct me if I'm wrong but you did fb +bf knots and then did triangle ends to make the pattern itself?
danielanyg |
4 years ago by danielanyg
I loveeeee this
mz_corgi |
4 years, 2 months ago by mz_corgi
Aaaaa I’m really sorry I meant to rate this 5 stars not 4 😔😔😔