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spidereats |
1 month ago by spidereats
holy yap
corey718 |
7 months ago by corey718
love this pattern!!
amethyst44 |
8 months, 1 week ago by amethyst44
There are plenty of other patterns on here with pot leaves. I had to use the "drugs" tag to be approved. I'm almost 30 years old. If this offends you, just don't do the pattern.
kiiks |
8 months, 2 weeks ago by kiiks
@kpn weed is not a “harmful” drug necessarily. for me, i smoke marijuana medically. there has recently been funding for more research on the benefits and harmful effects on weed, and there is not enough information yet for anyone to proclaim that it is either good or bad. if someone on here was promoting cocaine or acid, for example, that would be something to fight about, but since this is a drug that people, like myself, use medically, i dont really think its a bad thing to have up here. ALSO - people use hemp from this plant to make bracelets! the plant itself is not a bad thing at all, and i personally love making hemp bracelets. stop shaming others for marijuana usage - it isn’t really your concern, and out of all of the things this person could be promoting on this site, this is probably the least harmful.
kpn |
8 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@puggyz I'm not going to continue an argument in the comments. All I'll say is that even if it has a really small effect, it still has an effect. Even if more people are over 16, there's still people below as well. Even if this isn't the only pattern, it's one of the most recent right now and people are still going to see it. I'm not dictating what people do, I made a single comment in suggestion. Plus, how can you just watch somebody destroy themself and not want to do anything? We shouldn't normalize taking harmful substances just because it's a 'choice'. Some choices are objectively bad, that's not something you can deny. If you'll excuse me, I don't really feel like using any more of my time to make an argument for something so clear today.
puggyz |
8 months, 2 weeks ago by puggyz
@kpn most kids don’t even know what this symbol means. You’re point on there being many “kids” on this app is an odd thing to say as I’ve seen more people 16+. A pattern with a weed on it isn’t gonna effect your day to day life considering the fact this isn’t even the only weed pattern on this app. Though I do agree that you shouldn’t destroy you’re body, it isn’t going to effect the air around you as much as people think. People don’t always do weed in public and if they do they’re more likely to do it in a car or private area. I’m tired of people trying to dictate what decisions other people can make with their life. At the end of the day if they choose to destroy themselves that’s their choice and we need to respect it.
kpn |
8 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
@puggyz all good fun until you mess up your own body and the air around you. there are people who care about having you around other than yourself and it's selfish to think that if you're the only person you're living for. drugs are not good for you when they aren't needed and they can hurt everyone. plus, there are a lot of kids on this site and they don't need to be taught that drugs are magical solutions to their problems. 'let people do what they want' sounds like a nice motto until you take it too far (see also: marie antoinette, 90% of history)
puggyz |
8 months, 2 weeks ago by puggyz
@kpn or let people do what they want.
kpn |
8 months, 2 weeks ago by kpn
bro say no to drugs