11 Similar patterns
19 Photos
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mdzix |
4 months, 2 weeks ago by mdzix
@KociChlebe nie
KociChlebe |
5 months, 4 weeks ago by KociChlebe
Czy w miejscu gdzie sznurek jest tak jakby omijany przez parę poziomów muszę go uciąć?
CawTheCrow |
2 years ago by CawTheCrow
@sage-wolf Exactly! This rating system honestly just favours luck. It's more reliable to search patterns according to the amount of photos, or "love it"s.
sage-wolf |
2 years ago by sage-wolf
@CawTheCrow they should.. even without accidental ratings. Sometimes you really like a pattern but then you knot it and it turns out to have a weak knot structure and not look good
CawTheCrow |
2 years ago by CawTheCrow
@sage-wolf They should really look into letting people change their rating. I know there's probably not many people working on this website, but this is a pretty serious issue.
sjandrews |
2 years ago by sjandrews
I love cats and so this design really appeals to me. I have to get better at Alphas before I try it.
sage-wolf |
2 years, 1 month ago by sage-wolf
omg im so sorry i messed up your perfect rating that was accidental
Morgzies |
2 years, 1 month ago by Morgzies
OMG,yes it would! 😍
cecibee87 |
2 years, 1 month ago by cecibee87
This would be a cute bookmark!
mariel_sal |
2 years, 1 month ago by mariel_sal
amoooooooo quiero hacerlo!!