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pandamja |
2 years, 3 months ago by pandamja
@declan I am so sorry… I truly didn’t mean to offend you. Unfortunately idk how to remove a pattern. If you do, you can tell me. I didn’t know it was a hate symbol 🙁
declan |
2 years, 3 months ago by declan
@pandamja I grew up with that game... then it was co-opted by neo-n*zis either like this or reversed with 3 fingers out so even with good intentions this maybe isn't the best symbol for people to be displaying.
pandamja |
2 years, 3 months ago by pandamja
@declan I didn’t actually play the game lol. I think it might be the same though. Also I did not know it was an insult. I promise i did not mean it to insult anyone at all. I didn’t mean to insult anyone at all. It’s a pretty old game, and I saw something that reminded me of the game, and I had nostalgia. But I did not mean to offend you or anyone, and if I did, I am truly sorry. |
halokiwi |
2 years, 3 months ago by halokiwi
@declan I also now this as a game. You make the circle with your fingers and try to trick people into looking into the circle. If they do, you tell them that they have looked into the circle. Is that also the game you know @pandamja?And if you turn the pattern around, it's the divers symbol for okay. I know that this hand gesture is an insult in some countries, but in a lot of other places it's completely harmless. |
pandamja |
2 years, 3 months ago by pandamja
@declan it was actually a game a lot of people did at my school. My brother especially, so I made it for him.
pandamja |
2 years, 3 months ago by pandamja
@declan it’s not a hate symbol. Sorry if you were offended though. It’s actually a pattern I designed for my brother.
declan |
2 years, 3 months ago by declan
Why have you put up a hate symbol?