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by martha9999

by allyson606
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VaneA06 |
3 years ago by VaneA06
@hailsknotz thank you!!
hailsknotz |
3 years ago by hailsknotz
@VaneA06 @kinseyb is amazing!!! her vids help me so much <3
VaneA06 |
3 years, 2 months ago by VaneA06
Also i didn't do this pattern i did the one i saw on the video of Kinsey B
VaneA06 |
3 years, 2 months ago by VaneA06
Ok so mines keeps comingout weird...i used the Loop and thread color changing twisted thread for it and the base strings were just white Loop and Thread strings. SOMEONE HELP!!! 😤 😢
xXHe11oXx |
3 years, 7 months ago by xXHe11oXx
@MadeByMel I've never seen someone do my name before! (Danica) Ur bracelets came out so good!
Nyntheex |
3 years, 9 months ago by Nyntheex
hello! i have a question, is there a pattern with the numbers in this font?
alex_9456 |
3 years, 9 months ago by alex_9456
Are there upper case letters in this font?
MarinKnots |
3 years, 10 months ago by MarinKnots
@_Theatre_ what I like doing for patterns like this is to write it on graph paper so I know what row I’m on and it’s already in the right order.
Elise64 |
3 years, 11 months ago by Elise64
@_Theatre_ i am pretty sure you would do 15 base strings. because the the highest letter is 11 strings wide. so it would be 12 strings because of the extra string at the top. the Y letter has 3 strings at the end (including the last base string at the edge) so then you need to add 3 strings to each row including the last string on the bottom edge which makes 15. ik that probably doesnt make sense but i am 99% sure that it is 15 base strings. so basically, when you start the bracelet you need to do 3 strings when you are knotting on the left side (or when you hold it up so the name will be like this: shelby, the bottom) except for when you get to the lowest knot of the Y. then you just need to make sure that the knots at the top/right side will add up to 15 and there will be the right amount of knots in the letter and at the bottom/left side. i know it doesnt make sense probably im bad at explaining things lol but i think that you will be able to get it. good luck!
GenMalucci |
3 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
@_Theatre_ ok, so your biggest letters will be 11 strings wide. I highly suggest going for at least 13 base strings so you have a bit of room on top and on bottom of the actual letters. You can even go to 15 but it’ll take more string and more knotting time!