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by Gabrielle1
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Unicorn002 |
4 years, 1 month ago by Unicorn002
@discoball I think this is super cute! I am sorry to get into this, but I don't think that it is wrong to use the same colors in a pattern that they got the inspiration off of. As long as they aren't coping your exact design, I really don't think it is wrong. This is just my opinion, and I have nothing against you, so you can completely ignore what I just said. Again, super cute pattern! ❤️
discoball |
4 years, 1 month ago by discoball
@garciazamb That's okay, I don't mind you making these, I don't own horoscope patterns. But it's not that they look similar, it's that you've exactly copy/pasted the symbol and embellishments from mine. Of course finish your series, just create your own designs.
garciazamb |
4 years, 1 month ago by garciazamb
im sorry @discoball, I should have completely asked you first before I created the other ones. I know how these types of things can take so long to design and I am so sorry for making it look similar to yours. I hope you can forgive me for what I did in taking inspiration from your patterns without your permission. The three I have posted will be the only ones that I will have. My apologizes.
discoball |
4 years, 1 month ago by discoball
hi! I let the first Pisces one slide because I was like "there's no way they're going to do this for all of them," but especially with this one, this is too obvious to ignore. I worked really hard to design the horoscope patterns that I created, and it's not cool for you to so blatantly copy the elements and colors that I chose. And you were thinking to do this for rest of them too? Not cool.