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4 years ago by MMMLLE
@_averly_ I don't have a lot of alphas in my to_tos, but I really like the look of alphas. I don't have a lot of string and I feel like I will probably mess up, so I try to avoid the harder alphas. But, I love to make patterns for them. ❤️
_averly_ |
4 years ago by _averly_
Does anyone have lots of alphas in there todos but never does them because you are scared that you will mess up and waste a bunch of string💀💀
4 years ago by MMMLLE
Thanks! ❤️
narbruh |
4 years ago by narbruh
This is cute!!!! In my todos it goes 😄
Uniqueknot |
4 years ago by Uniqueknot
Np ❤️ ❤️
4 years ago by MMMLLE
@Uniqueknot Thank you! 😘
Uniqueknot |
4 years ago by Uniqueknot
Love it sooo adorable 😍 🥰