Age: 991
Country: in the nether again to get netherwart
Joined: 11 months ago
shapeshift as another profile
i want to say thanks to @kpn for designing my profile picture!.
enjoy making patterns on bracletbook for the community in my free time active a lot on mon-fri not really on the weekend
I have some cool variants of patterns and some patterns 😄 😊
my time zone is e.s.t no more to be said. please message me if you have any questions.
I one day hope to be a moderator.
someone really awesome who is rooting for me to get mod
@chris_07 thanks for the support ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I usually submit alpha patterns but I sometimes do send in normal patterns
I do sometimes struggle with keywords but it all depends on the pattern sometimes I might come up with good keywords
my favorite pattern I have out of my nine patterns is my pattern with golden tools and a bunch of hearts #166591 ❤️ 🔥
Dear Bullies
That girl you called fat
She's starving herself and overdosing and diet pills
And that boy you teased for crying
His mom died
You know that man you made fun of for his scars
He fought for our country
The little leather pouch you stole from that man
He was homeless
That girl you called ugly
She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her
That boy you tripped
He gets abused enough at home
Put this on your profile if you are against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't, but the people with heart and backbone will
i want to say thanks to @kpn for designing my profile picture!.
enjoy making patterns on bracletbook for the community in my free time active a lot on mon-fri not really on the weekend
I have some cool variants of patterns and some patterns 😄 😊
my time zone is e.s.t no more to be said. please message me if you have any questions.
I one day hope to be a moderator.
someone really awesome who is rooting for me to get mod
@chris_07 thanks for the support ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I usually submit alpha patterns but I sometimes do send in normal patterns
I do sometimes struggle with keywords but it all depends on the pattern sometimes I might come up with good keywords
my favorite pattern I have out of my nine patterns is my pattern with golden tools and a bunch of hearts #166591 ❤️ 🔥
Dear Bullies
That girl you called fat
She's starving herself and overdosing and diet pills
And that boy you teased for crying
His mom died
You know that man you made fun of for his scars
He fought for our country
The little leather pouch you stole from that man
He was homeless
That girl you called ugly
She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her
That boy you tripped
He gets abused enough at home
Put this on your profile if you are against bullying. I bet 95% of you won't, but the people with heart and backbone will