Bracelet King
Joined: 1 year, 3 months ago
i'll friend you if you keep free palestine on top of your bio bc everyone needs to hear
hablo espaรฑol pero mi lengua materna es el inglรฉs asรญ que mi espaรฑol NO es perfecto
you're free to use my fonts or designs in your patterns as long as you give credit!
Supporting Palestine is not inhumane, terrorist, antisemitic, dangerous, hateful, or crazy. It's human and loving because NOBODY deserves to be massacred, destroyed, and hated like they are. Israel has been attacked and hurt before and that makes me so sad but it is no excuse for what they are committing right now. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is not the response to anything and Israel is making terrible decisions. There are zero ways to justify what they are doing. You can say that there have been people that died in Israel and people,e that were treated unfairly and that's true, but getting revenge by massacring an entire nation is NOT the response. Israel is committing war crimes and that should not be okay in any scenario, but the world has victimized Israel. I'm Christian, and I know that nobody should be persecuted for their faith, so why are Muslims exceptions? All Christians should be supporting Palestine right now. The Bible has so many stories of the Israelites killing and conquering regions where now-Palestinians lived (Amalekites, Philistines, etc.) and THAT ISN'T FAIR. Israel might have had a claim to the land back then, but that was because they were God's children. Now that Jesus has risen, we are all beloved children of God. Levitical laws and the Jew vs Gentile argument have been taken away so Palestine has every right to reclaim their land. I know that Palestine has also killed and done horrible things, and that's also inexcusable, but no innocent person deserves to die for something another person did (not just a moral principle, also illegal under the Fourth Geneva Accord {which applies to every country}, Section 33). Forgiveness and love are the ways by which the world needs to be run, and humanity is deeply terrible with that. If you believe this 'war' (is it a war? Israel cut off nearly all of Palestine's defense, food, water, connections to the outer world, etc. and the majority of Palestinians cannot fight back and just want a place to live and be treated like humans) is a religious cause and you dislike Palestinians simply because most of them are Muslims, there's something wrong with that and you should be able to see it.
I've also posted one or two (can't remember) Russian flag patterns as requests. I do not support Russia's invasion of Ukraine
and I never have. These patterns were requests. It is not a political statement, simply a specific color palette.
I am 100% a Christian. I grew up in a Christian family but I didn't know what it really meant to know God as my Savior. I knew that He died, it was brutal, and now I can go to Heaven, but I couldn't see him in my life. Getting older, I started to see the logical side of Christianity. Isn't it amazing that if the Earth were just a little farther away from the Sun, we'd be absolutely freezing, and if it were a little closer, we'd burn up? Or that every atom has a perfect build and set composition, no matter what? Or that humans are able to love, think, feel, and create? The fact that acacia trees can send out signals to turn bitter when one tree is eaten so that the others aren't eaten? How abt the beautiful design of galaxies across the universe? The Fibonacci spiral across nature? God is everywhere, and all of Creation suggests an intelligent Designer. I leaned into this a few years ago, and I'm becoming able to see God everywhere now. However, now I'm learning about the loving side of God who works in our life. He's the only one I can truly depend on- friends, family, and things won't last eternally, but He will. With clinical depression, I've learned quickly that nothing works in this world to make me feel better, God is the only one who helps. I feel called to spread the Word and true message of Christianity- Jesus died for YOU, you are loved beyond anything you can imagine, and you can spread that love too. I've seen God work in my life, and it's absolutely changed me and I hope you can see it for yourself too.
AND TO ALL HOMOPHOBIC, RACIST, SEXIST, OR OTHERWISE HATEFUL CHRISTIANS: YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG DUDE. Where in the Bible does it say to hate people? Jesus says love your neighbor and love your enemy, so deal with it. As I once saw on a t-shirt, if you hate anyone because of your religion, you're doing it wrong.
If you've had problems with the Church or felt ostracized for any reason, you are welcomed into the Kingdom of God as His beloved child, and He will never forsake you. I'm so sorry if you have bad experiences with Christians, I have too. Please don't hate Christianity though. It's valid to be angry at them, but those people aren't doing it correctly. You are accepted, beloved, cared for, and wanted. DON'T FORGET IT.
Also recently I've been feeling called to learn more about the whole world and its stories. I feel like all of those stories should be spread and that the world shouldn't be so scared of itself. Again, Christians are called to love everybody, so there's no excuse for absolutely hating one country! I already love geography (learned all countries, capitals, and flags lol) and I think I can use that gift to do mission work and/or teach people how to love everyone around them. If you have a God given gift, use it! He gave it to you for a reason ๐ฉต
"i do not support LGBTQ God made you perfectly and you shouldn't change that"
possibly the only transphobic/homophobic argument i agree with, actually! God knew who we were going to be before we were in the womb and said it was very good. He knew ppl would be trans or enby or anything and He knew it was GOOD. he didn't see that and say "oh they look alright but i see a few problems", he said humans were very good. if God designed you with a queer identity, it is NOBODY'S place to tell you that's gross or wrong or incorrect. God made me who I am and I'm proud of it so if you have a problem with me, take it up with the One who made me. my fellow queer ppl if you shy away from Christianity or even straight up hate it, please know that there is always a safe place for you. unfortunately not every Christian has love for everyone in their heart but some of us do and we apologize for all the ones that make us look terrible. please don't ever feel like you aren't welcome among Christians and don't hesitate to explore the Bible and Christ just because you're queer. YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE SO DONT LET SOME HATEFUL OLD LOSERS TELL YOU THAT YOU CAN'T COME TO JESUS
homophobes get out this isn't the place for you
same message if you're racist or sexist or antisemitic or anything elseist, just creepy in general
the door is that way
also go check out rics_girl3, they're real cool!
satatea is also fantastic i didn't know two humans could share so many interests at once
and ofc _vuroee my partner in crime for f1 crochet
yeah _vuroee and rics_girl3 are def my bros and we will 100% fight you if you bad mouth lando
Jesus loves you even if you don't love him
i'll friend you if you keep free palestine on top of your bio bc everyone needs to hear
hablo espaรฑol pero mi lengua materna es el inglรฉs asรญ que mi espaรฑol NO es perfecto
you're free to use my fonts or designs in your patterns as long as you give credit!
Supporting Palestine is not inhumane, terrorist, antisemitic, dangerous, hateful, or crazy. It's human and loving because NOBODY deserves to be massacred, destroyed, and hated like they are. Israel has been attacked and hurt before and that makes me so sad but it is no excuse for what they are committing right now. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is not the response to anything and Israel is making terrible decisions. There are zero ways to justify what they are doing. You can say that there have been people that died in Israel and people,e that were treated unfairly and that's true, but getting revenge by massacring an entire nation is NOT the response. Israel is committing war crimes and that should not be okay in any scenario, but the world has victimized Israel. I'm Christian, and I know that nobody should be persecuted for their faith, so why are Muslims exceptions? All Christians should be supporting Palestine right now. The Bible has so many stories of the Israelites killing and conquering regions where now-Palestinians lived (Amalekites, Philistines, etc.) and THAT ISN'T FAIR. Israel might have had a claim to the land back then, but that was because they were God's children. Now that Jesus has risen, we are all beloved children of God. Levitical laws and the Jew vs Gentile argument have been taken away so Palestine has every right to reclaim their land. I know that Palestine has also killed and done horrible things, and that's also inexcusable, but no innocent person deserves to die for something another person did (not just a moral principle, also illegal under the Fourth Geneva Accord {which applies to every country}, Section 33). Forgiveness and love are the ways by which the world needs to be run, and humanity is deeply terrible with that. If you believe this 'war' (is it a war? Israel cut off nearly all of Palestine's defense, food, water, connections to the outer world, etc. and the majority of Palestinians cannot fight back and just want a place to live and be treated like humans) is a religious cause and you dislike Palestinians simply because most of them are Muslims, there's something wrong with that and you should be able to see it.
I've also posted one or two (can't remember) Russian flag patterns as requests. I do not support Russia's invasion of Ukraine
and I never have. These patterns were requests. It is not a political statement, simply a specific color palette.
I am 100% a Christian. I grew up in a Christian family but I didn't know what it really meant to know God as my Savior. I knew that He died, it was brutal, and now I can go to Heaven, but I couldn't see him in my life. Getting older, I started to see the logical side of Christianity. Isn't it amazing that if the Earth were just a little farther away from the Sun, we'd be absolutely freezing, and if it were a little closer, we'd burn up? Or that every atom has a perfect build and set composition, no matter what? Or that humans are able to love, think, feel, and create? The fact that acacia trees can send out signals to turn bitter when one tree is eaten so that the others aren't eaten? How abt the beautiful design of galaxies across the universe? The Fibonacci spiral across nature? God is everywhere, and all of Creation suggests an intelligent Designer. I leaned into this a few years ago, and I'm becoming able to see God everywhere now. However, now I'm learning about the loving side of God who works in our life. He's the only one I can truly depend on- friends, family, and things won't last eternally, but He will. With clinical depression, I've learned quickly that nothing works in this world to make me feel better, God is the only one who helps. I feel called to spread the Word and true message of Christianity- Jesus died for YOU, you are loved beyond anything you can imagine, and you can spread that love too. I've seen God work in my life, and it's absolutely changed me and I hope you can see it for yourself too.
AND TO ALL HOMOPHOBIC, RACIST, SEXIST, OR OTHERWISE HATEFUL CHRISTIANS: YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG DUDE. Where in the Bible does it say to hate people? Jesus says love your neighbor and love your enemy, so deal with it. As I once saw on a t-shirt, if you hate anyone because of your religion, you're doing it wrong.
If you've had problems with the Church or felt ostracized for any reason, you are welcomed into the Kingdom of God as His beloved child, and He will never forsake you. I'm so sorry if you have bad experiences with Christians, I have too. Please don't hate Christianity though. It's valid to be angry at them, but those people aren't doing it correctly. You are accepted, beloved, cared for, and wanted. DON'T FORGET IT.
Also recently I've been feeling called to learn more about the whole world and its stories. I feel like all of those stories should be spread and that the world shouldn't be so scared of itself. Again, Christians are called to love everybody, so there's no excuse for absolutely hating one country! I already love geography (learned all countries, capitals, and flags lol) and I think I can use that gift to do mission work and/or teach people how to love everyone around them. If you have a God given gift, use it! He gave it to you for a reason ๐ฉต
"i do not support LGBTQ God made you perfectly and you shouldn't change that"
possibly the only transphobic/homophobic argument i agree with, actually! God knew who we were going to be before we were in the womb and said it was very good. He knew ppl would be trans or enby or anything and He knew it was GOOD. he didn't see that and say "oh they look alright but i see a few problems", he said humans were very good. if God designed you with a queer identity, it is NOBODY'S place to tell you that's gross or wrong or incorrect. God made me who I am and I'm proud of it so if you have a problem with me, take it up with the One who made me. my fellow queer ppl if you shy away from Christianity or even straight up hate it, please know that there is always a safe place for you. unfortunately not every Christian has love for everyone in their heart but some of us do and we apologize for all the ones that make us look terrible. please don't ever feel like you aren't welcome among Christians and don't hesitate to explore the Bible and Christ just because you're queer. YOU ARE FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE SO DONT LET SOME HATEFUL OLD LOSERS TELL YOU THAT YOU CAN'T COME TO JESUS
homophobes get out this isn't the place for you
same message if you're racist or sexist or antisemitic or anything elseist, just creepy in general
the door is that way
also go check out rics_girl3, they're real cool!
satatea is also fantastic i didn't know two humans could share so many interests at once
and ofc _vuroee my partner in crime for f1 crochet
yeah _vuroee and rics_girl3 are def my bros and we will 100% fight you if you bad mouth lando
Jesus loves you even if you don't love him