Country: ❤️🤍💙
Joined: 1 year, 11 months ago
Been doing bracelets for a bit, but recently found this site 😁
Have a great day!!
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John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:17 - For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."
The Bible is not a fantasy book. It's a history book. There's lots of things in history that we have not seen, but we only know about because it was written down by man. Just like in the Bible.
Jesus indured more pain that any of us could ever imagine! Just for youuuu ✨ We've all sinned and sinned again, destined to be thrown in "jail" (Hell). But Jesus paid the fine; bailed us out, and freed us if we're willing to accept it.😍
People often ask "why doesn't He just send everyone to Heaven?" Well that was the plan. And we ruined it.
"Why doesn't He just come down and prove He's real?" He did. And we killed Him.
We don't deserve Jesus. We don't deserve the grace He's given us. He's the only One that knows us fully, and yet loves us completely. God doesn’t REALLY send us to Hell. We send ourselves. He does everythijg in His power to keep us out, including sending His Son.
"It's hard to answer prayers when nobody's praying to you."
God is a just God. That’s why there needs to be a Heaven and a Hell. We all deserve Hell, because we need to pay for what we’ve done. Humans can be pretty bad sometimes. But Jesus paid it for us
If you have any Biblical questions, I can't promise I'll always have the answer, or the answer you're looking for, but feel free to message me, and I give you my word to do my best!
The only strong opinions I have, are the ones backed by Scripture🩵
🥋Cobra Kai🐍
💫Organized Chaos💥
Feel free to use any patterns I make, for instagram photos or selling, or whatever!! If you do end up using any, I’d love a message so I can see your site 😊
Been doing bracelets for a bit, but recently found this site 😁
Have a great day!!
✝️ ✝️ ✝️
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:17 - For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."
The Bible is not a fantasy book. It's a history book. There's lots of things in history that we have not seen, but we only know about because it was written down by man. Just like in the Bible.
Jesus indured more pain that any of us could ever imagine! Just for youuuu ✨ We've all sinned and sinned again, destined to be thrown in "jail" (Hell). But Jesus paid the fine; bailed us out, and freed us if we're willing to accept it.😍
People often ask "why doesn't He just send everyone to Heaven?" Well that was the plan. And we ruined it.
"Why doesn't He just come down and prove He's real?" He did. And we killed Him.
We don't deserve Jesus. We don't deserve the grace He's given us. He's the only One that knows us fully, and yet loves us completely. God doesn’t REALLY send us to Hell. We send ourselves. He does everythijg in His power to keep us out, including sending His Son.
"It's hard to answer prayers when nobody's praying to you."
God is a just God. That’s why there needs to be a Heaven and a Hell. We all deserve Hell, because we need to pay for what we’ve done. Humans can be pretty bad sometimes. But Jesus paid it for us
If you have any Biblical questions, I can't promise I'll always have the answer, or the answer you're looking for, but feel free to message me, and I give you my word to do my best!
The only strong opinions I have, are the ones backed by Scripture🩵
🥋Cobra Kai🐍
💫Organized Chaos💥
Feel free to use any patterns I make, for instagram photos or selling, or whatever!! If you do end up using any, I’d love a message so I can see your site 😊