Gender: Female
Age: 29
Country: United States
Joined: 14ย years ago
I am 16 years of age and I will be going to a college prep technology school to study Computer Graphic Arts over the rest of my high school career. I intend on Majoring in either Nutrition or a field that could place me as a personal trainer and Minoring in Graphic arts. I am a retired cheerleader of nine years and these next two years I will be participating in my school's national championship girls powerlifting team. In my spare time I run three blogs, participate in 4-H, school dance committees, Student Council, Drama Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions, my local township's junior firefighter program, and I craft like no other person out there. I have been involved in all of my school's play and musical productions throughout my highschool career so far. I am currently seeking a job to pay for my own car and to help relieve my parents of their current financial hardships. I am a very easy person to get along with and I would have to say that nine years of cheerleading definitely taught me how to keep on smiling even in the toughest of situations. If there is anything else you would enjoy knowing about me just leave me a message. I guarantee I will reply the next time I log on.