Age: 18
Joined: 3 years, 1 month ago
TikTok: @KiwisLaboratory
Instagram: @KiwisLaboratory
YouTube: @KiwisLaboratory
Feel free to message or @ me, I’m usually inactive but do check every one of my notifications when I come online.
I have 3 accounts
I accept all friend requests
name: Kiwi
pronouns: she/they
I am a part of and support the lgbtq+ community (:
Been knotting since around April 2020
This bio is EXTREMELY long. You're welcome.
Here's a list of contents so you don’t get lost 😌:
💖About my ToDo's 💖
🤍 Shoutouts n quotes 🤍
🧡 My growing list of forum posts 🧡
💖About my ToDo's 💖
My ToDo's on this account are the ones I plan on doing soon / am currently working on
My ToDo's on my other account (i have thousands-) are the ones I want to do in the future
My finished patterns go into my loves and I submit a photo to this account.
🤍 Shoutouts n quotes 🤍
If you see this tag me in the chat with a kiwi emoji 🥝 and whatever quote you want I'll add you in my bio
Omg 😳 so many people are here...
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
alot of girls didn't like me this year, but their boyfriends sure did! 😈
rawr I'ma dino🦖
- AAAAAAAwAAXAuuuAA💅🦴c🕳️😾yhi🌡️🕸️🧂📢jrv🎂nfcc🩹... sorry my cat stepped on my keyboard😸👍
- Oop
• Macoroni and cheese is my dish
• for your information it's a GUAVA, not a watermelon
• in my defense, I was left unsupervised.
• ChIKeN
• Life is like a box of lemons, you just have to squeeze them into your eyes.
• "uhhh dang Idk lol"
• "let's thank mother nature for iguanas 🦎"
Pm or @ her if you want some digital art! Just try to be patient cuz she's super busy!!! 😌
• "kale 🛺" Lemme just say... Such kind, inspiring, might I say motivational words!😌
• "🐸"
• "Backyardigans are hot af"
• "This life's hard, but it's harder if you're stupid."
• "My life feels like a test, for which I skipped studying."
• "if you don't like Harry Potter, something is siriusly ron with you..."
• "if you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bull crap"
• "aight i'mma head out"
• "Every ending is happy, if you're not happy, it's not the end"
• "I'm so fresh they call me febreze"
• "👀"
• "tHe ThReE dUm BuNnIeS LiVeD iN a LoG hOuSe MaDe Of BrIcKs"
@Love_Fox / @Love_Fox2
• "Remember to be yourself... Unless you suck. Just kidding! Be yourself because everyone else is taken"
• "what's poopin" "poppin 😭 😭" "bruh that is embarrassing-" "anyways.. hey @SusuKnots"
• "ahhh words 😌"
Iykyk... it's a secret...
• "well shooooooooot" - Tow Mater
• "today, I've decided to be as lazy as the g in lasagna"
• CrAfTeRiNaS cRaFtY MiNd
• cAnDy cOrN TaStEs LiKe sTaLe cRaYoNs
• "I love sarcasm. It's like punching people in the face, but with words"
• "When life gives you lemons, ignore it"
• "This is dumb, but WHO cArEs? Okay, whatever. My favorite thing about myself is my naturally long eyelashes. Everyone thinks that I am wearing makeup. NO PEOPLE. I AM NOT WEARING MAKEUP. It’s only because i hairy. Lol
@crafter83 and help from a good friend... Iykyk... It's a secret 👀
• "The definition of cool is treating others with kindness. Yet the goose in #104796 wins the award. Try for second, maybe?"
• "when life gives you lemons, SqUiRt tHeM iN LiFe'S eYeS"
• "Yes, I listen to girl in red."
• "So I just want to say I don't mean to interrupt people, I just remember something and get very, very excited😂"
• "you are beautiful, keep being you!"
The mother that disowned me
• "in conclusion, cherish your doggos people"
• "I think we're all physically thicc and mentally sick🤪🥲"
• "Make out? No thanks. I'm saving these lips for the sweet kiss of death 😏😩"
• "Call me an escalator cause I let people down insert fboy face"
• "Sucketh thy air once more my child, and ✨continueth✨
• Feet.
• Legs.
• "I never thought I'd be called "sillywilly" in the public chat of a bracelet making site-"
- "I’m hot af and you can’t tell me I’m not"
- "Life is too short to worry about matching socks."
Random extra quotes from which I do not know the origin
• "Don't worry the zombies are lookin for brains you are safe"
• "Sometimes my brain is like the Bermuda Triangle the information come in but then its never found again"
• "It takes real skill to choke on air, fall up the stairs and trip over completely nothing...... I have that talent"
• "why do they call it beauty sleep if when I wake up and look like a troll?"
• "WARNING: My mouth is like a magicians hat you never know what's gonna come out of it"
• "Sometimes I forget how to spell a word so I change my whole sentence to avoid using the word"
• "Did you just fall?? NO I ATTACKED THE FLOOR 😂"
• "you are gonna need therapy after meeting me just a fair warning"
• "I don't want a prince on a white horse I want a weirdo who makes me laugh"
• "Don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey."
• "I would like to think I would die a heroic death, but it's more likely I'll trip over my dog an choke on a spoonful of peanut butter 🐶🥜 😂"
• "FRIEND: why read the book when you can watch the movie? ME: why breath air when you're gonna die anyway? FRIEND: point taken"
• "Sorry I can't today. My sister's friend's mother's grandpa's brother's grandson's uncle's fish died. And yes, it was tragic"
• "Our little stupid conversations mean more to me than you think."
• me when im excited: "HWTAS SHE SAY" "WHAT*** HOW COULD I MESS UP THAT BADLY 😭"
• “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S Lewis
• “Just because you fail once, does not mean that you’re gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself because if you don’t, then who will?” – Marilyn Monroe
• “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch
• “If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your *stuff*, then you deserve it.” – Frank Zappa
• “The best of me is still yet to come.” – Unknown
• “Don’t follow me because I don’t know where am going.” – Unknown
• “I might look like I’m doing nothing, but in my head I’m quite busy.” – Unknown
• “Oh, so you wanna argue, Bring it. I got my CAPS LOCK ON.” – Unknown
• “Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people- the ones who really belong in your life- will come to you. And stay.” – Will Smith
• "Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others.” - Will Smith
🧡 My growing list of forum posts 🧡
Can I get your opinion? 🤔
Knotting Apple Watch bands :} ⌚️⏱️👀🌸
Cat Collar Ideas 🐈😻🐈⬛
Transferring todos from one account to another
🎮⛏👾Minecraft ideas :]👾⛏🎮
📖📚personal development books📚📖
searching for photos 🔍 👀 ✨
specific keyword searches
How can I help the community? 🙂
My ✨awkward✨ friend request-
help me out if you’re bi <3 💖💜💙
Private group chats idea ✨💬✨
Another public chat! ✨💬✨
✨📚✨favorite books?!✨📚✨
Help me w my TikTok pleaseeee :}
Where to use special threads 🧵✂️✨
💬✨Pm’s updates✨💬
iykyk queer edition :}
wait is this normal- 😭🤚
☀️🌻Summer bucket list🌻☀️
assassination classroom
variations on app (:
Forums visible from our profile pages (:
Positive queer stories (:
✨💅🏳️🌈LGBTQ+ MOVIES🏳️🌈💅✨
TikTok help (: ✨👀✨ (community section)
TikTok help (: ✨👀✨ (requests section)
All around creative slump :/ (this is long)
Coraline requests / ideas
NeverEnding Story pattern request
Instagram: @KiwisLaboratory
YouTube: @KiwisLaboratory
Feel free to message or @ me, I’m usually inactive but do check every one of my notifications when I come online.
I have 3 accounts
I accept all friend requests
name: Kiwi
pronouns: she/they
I am a part of and support the lgbtq+ community (:
Been knotting since around April 2020
This bio is EXTREMELY long. You're welcome.
Here's a list of contents so you don’t get lost 😌:
💖About my ToDo's 💖
🤍 Shoutouts n quotes 🤍
🧡 My growing list of forum posts 🧡
💖About my ToDo's 💖
My ToDo's on this account are the ones I plan on doing soon / am currently working on
My ToDo's on my other account (i have thousands-) are the ones I want to do in the future
My finished patterns go into my loves and I submit a photo to this account.
🤍 Shoutouts n quotes 🤍
If you see this tag me in the chat with a kiwi emoji 🥝 and whatever quote you want I'll add you in my bio
Omg 😳 so many people are here...
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
alot of girls didn't like me this year, but their boyfriends sure did! 😈
rawr I'ma dino🦖
- AAAAAAAwAAXAuuuAA💅🦴c🕳️😾yhi🌡️🕸️🧂📢jrv🎂nfcc🩹... sorry my cat stepped on my keyboard😸👍
- Oop
• Macoroni and cheese is my dish
• for your information it's a GUAVA, not a watermelon
• in my defense, I was left unsupervised.
• ChIKeN
• Life is like a box of lemons, you just have to squeeze them into your eyes.
• "uhhh dang Idk lol"
• "let's thank mother nature for iguanas 🦎"
Pm or @ her if you want some digital art! Just try to be patient cuz she's super busy!!! 😌
• "kale 🛺" Lemme just say... Such kind, inspiring, might I say motivational words!😌
• "🐸"
• "Backyardigans are hot af"
• "This life's hard, but it's harder if you're stupid."
• "My life feels like a test, for which I skipped studying."
• "if you don't like Harry Potter, something is siriusly ron with you..."
• "if you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bull crap"
• "aight i'mma head out"
• "Every ending is happy, if you're not happy, it's not the end"
• "I'm so fresh they call me febreze"
• "👀"
• "tHe ThReE dUm BuNnIeS LiVeD iN a LoG hOuSe MaDe Of BrIcKs"
@Love_Fox / @Love_Fox2
• "Remember to be yourself... Unless you suck. Just kidding! Be yourself because everyone else is taken"
• "what's poopin" "poppin 😭 😭" "bruh that is embarrassing-" "anyways.. hey @SusuKnots"
• "ahhh words 😌"
Iykyk... it's a secret...
• "well shooooooooot" - Tow Mater
• "today, I've decided to be as lazy as the g in lasagna"
• CrAfTeRiNaS cRaFtY MiNd
• cAnDy cOrN TaStEs LiKe sTaLe cRaYoNs
• "I love sarcasm. It's like punching people in the face, but with words"
• "When life gives you lemons, ignore it"
• "This is dumb, but WHO cArEs? Okay, whatever. My favorite thing about myself is my naturally long eyelashes. Everyone thinks that I am wearing makeup. NO PEOPLE. I AM NOT WEARING MAKEUP. It’s only because i hairy. Lol
@crafter83 and help from a good friend... Iykyk... It's a secret 👀
• "The definition of cool is treating others with kindness. Yet the goose in #104796 wins the award. Try for second, maybe?"
• "when life gives you lemons, SqUiRt tHeM iN LiFe'S eYeS"
• "Yes, I listen to girl in red."
• "So I just want to say I don't mean to interrupt people, I just remember something and get very, very excited😂"
• "you are beautiful, keep being you!"
The mother that disowned me
• "in conclusion, cherish your doggos people"
• "I think we're all physically thicc and mentally sick🤪🥲"
• "Make out? No thanks. I'm saving these lips for the sweet kiss of death 😏😩"
• "Call me an escalator cause I let people down insert fboy face"
• "Sucketh thy air once more my child, and ✨continueth✨
• Feet.
• Legs.
• "I never thought I'd be called "sillywilly" in the public chat of a bracelet making site-"
- "I’m hot af and you can’t tell me I’m not"
- "Life is too short to worry about matching socks."
Random extra quotes from which I do not know the origin
• "Don't worry the zombies are lookin for brains you are safe"
• "Sometimes my brain is like the Bermuda Triangle the information come in but then its never found again"
• "It takes real skill to choke on air, fall up the stairs and trip over completely nothing...... I have that talent"
• "why do they call it beauty sleep if when I wake up and look like a troll?"
• "WARNING: My mouth is like a magicians hat you never know what's gonna come out of it"
• "Sometimes I forget how to spell a word so I change my whole sentence to avoid using the word"
• "Did you just fall?? NO I ATTACKED THE FLOOR 😂"
• "you are gonna need therapy after meeting me just a fair warning"
• "I don't want a prince on a white horse I want a weirdo who makes me laugh"
• "Don't think of yourself as an ugly person. Think of yourself as a beautiful monkey."
• "I would like to think I would die a heroic death, but it's more likely I'll trip over my dog an choke on a spoonful of peanut butter 🐶🥜 😂"
• "FRIEND: why read the book when you can watch the movie? ME: why breath air when you're gonna die anyway? FRIEND: point taken"
• "Sorry I can't today. My sister's friend's mother's grandpa's brother's grandson's uncle's fish died. And yes, it was tragic"
• "Our little stupid conversations mean more to me than you think."
• me when im excited: "HWTAS SHE SAY" "WHAT*** HOW COULD I MESS UP THAT BADLY 😭"
• “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S Lewis
• “Just because you fail once, does not mean that you’re gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself because if you don’t, then who will?” – Marilyn Monroe
• “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch
• “If you end up with a boring miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on television telling you how to do your *stuff*, then you deserve it.” – Frank Zappa
• “The best of me is still yet to come.” – Unknown
• “Don’t follow me because I don’t know where am going.” – Unknown
• “I might look like I’m doing nothing, but in my head I’m quite busy.” – Unknown
• “Oh, so you wanna argue, Bring it. I got my CAPS LOCK ON.” – Unknown
• “Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard. The right people- the ones who really belong in your life- will come to you. And stay.” – Will Smith
• "Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others.” - Will Smith
🧡 My growing list of forum posts 🧡
Can I get your opinion? 🤔
Knotting Apple Watch bands :} ⌚️⏱️👀🌸
Cat Collar Ideas 🐈😻🐈⬛
Transferring todos from one account to another
🎮⛏👾Minecraft ideas :]👾⛏🎮
📖📚personal development books📚📖
searching for photos 🔍 👀 ✨
specific keyword searches
How can I help the community? 🙂
My ✨awkward✨ friend request-
help me out if you’re bi <3 💖💜💙
Private group chats idea ✨💬✨
Another public chat! ✨💬✨
✨📚✨favorite books?!✨📚✨
Help me w my TikTok pleaseeee :}
Where to use special threads 🧵✂️✨
💬✨Pm’s updates✨💬
iykyk queer edition :}
wait is this normal- 😭🤚
☀️🌻Summer bucket list🌻☀️
assassination classroom
variations on app (:
Forums visible from our profile pages (:
Positive queer stories (:
✨💅🏳️🌈LGBTQ+ MOVIES🏳️🌈💅✨
TikTok help (: ✨👀✨ (community section)
TikTok help (: ✨👀✨ (requests section)
All around creative slump :/ (this is long)
Coraline requests / ideas
NeverEnding Story pattern request