Bracelet King
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Country: The Library
Joined: 3 years, 5 months ago
I have been making bracelets since 2019 ~I think~ and make them as gifts for friends and family! (Though most just end up being worn by me, or unfinished... 😜 🤪) 🙂 🙂
Bracelet QUEEN as of June 23rd 2022 at 11:55 a.m.!!!!
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This is Bob the Titan. Bob says hello.
{Copy and paste him everywhere you can.}
(Copied from @j-s4)
« Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. »
Be kind to everyone. You don’t know what they’re getting through.
❤️ Huge Mental Health Advocate!! MENTAL HEALTH IS REAL!! ❤️
If you ever think of bullying,
consider the consequences, because you will hurt someone. Always.
You know that boy you pushed earlier.
He committed suicide last night!
That girl you called fat.
She's starving herself and overdosing and diet pills!
And that boy you teased for crying.
His mom died!
You know that man you made fun of for his scars.
He fought for our country!
The little leather pouch you stole from that man.
He was homeless!
That girl you called ugly.
She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her!
That boy you tripped.
He gets abused at home!
Put this on your profile if you are against bullying.
Your skin isn’t paper, don’t cut it
Your body isn’t a book, don’t judge it
Your life isn’t a movie, don’t end it
Your heart isn’t a door, don’t lock it
You’re beautiful.
To take a life is murder,
No matter what the cause.
A judge condemns a killer,
And justly so, he does.
Then why would it be different
When the victim is but a babe?
With no choice whatsoever
In the life that you could save.
We sob at accounts of abuse,
And despise stories of racism.
Then why don't we cry aloud,
When a little life is taken?
But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human
"It's not about the time that you keep somebody in your heart, it's about how deep you place them" (Copied from @LittenGirl)
"The world is wide, and I wanna make some memories," ~Lily James, 'Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again'
"Our little stupid conversations mean more to me than you think." ~Unknown (Copied from @Kiwi_Art_2)
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ~Bernard M. Baruch (Copied from @Kiwi_Art_2)
Girl: Am I pretty?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
Boy : NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away, tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm.
boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you, forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would DIE.
(Boy whispers) : Please? Stay with me.
(Girl whispers) : I will.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you. Something good will happen to you between 1-4 pm. Tomorrow it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't repost this to your wall. You will have relationship problems for the next 10 years (~Reposted!~)
Bracelet QUEEN as of June 23rd 2022 at 11:55 a.m.!!!!
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This is Bob the Titan. Bob says hello.
{Copy and paste him everywhere you can.}
(Copied from @j-s4)
« Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. »
Be kind to everyone. You don’t know what they’re getting through.
❤️ Huge Mental Health Advocate!! MENTAL HEALTH IS REAL!! ❤️
If you ever think of bullying,
consider the consequences, because you will hurt someone. Always.
You know that boy you pushed earlier.
He committed suicide last night!
That girl you called fat.
She's starving herself and overdosing and diet pills!
And that boy you teased for crying.
His mom died!
You know that man you made fun of for his scars.
He fought for our country!
The little leather pouch you stole from that man.
He was homeless!
That girl you called ugly.
She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her!
That boy you tripped.
He gets abused at home!
Put this on your profile if you are against bullying.
Your skin isn’t paper, don’t cut it
Your body isn’t a book, don’t judge it
Your life isn’t a movie, don’t end it
Your heart isn’t a door, don’t lock it
You’re beautiful.
To take a life is murder,
No matter what the cause.
A judge condemns a killer,
And justly so, he does.
Then why would it be different
When the victim is but a babe?
With no choice whatsoever
In the life that you could save.
We sob at accounts of abuse,
And despise stories of racism.
Then why don't we cry aloud,
When a little life is taken?
But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human
"It's not about the time that you keep somebody in your heart, it's about how deep you place them" (Copied from @LittenGirl)
"The world is wide, and I wanna make some memories," ~Lily James, 'Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again'
"Our little stupid conversations mean more to me than you think." ~Unknown (Copied from @Kiwi_Art_2)
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” ~Bernard M. Baruch (Copied from @Kiwi_Art_2)
Girl: Am I pretty?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
Boy : NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away, tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm.
boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you, forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would DIE.
(Boy whispers) : Please? Stay with me.
(Girl whispers) : I will.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you. Something good will happen to you between 1-4 pm. Tomorrow it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't repost this to your wall. You will have relationship problems for the next 10 years (~Reposted!~)
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by straighta7

by straighta7

by straighta7

by straighta7

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