Bracelet King
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Country: ✨🌿✨
Joined: 3 years, 8 months ago
***On an very long break***
Hi, I'm Cristelia! I started making bracelets somewhere at the beginning of quarantine and have been completely OBSESSED with them ever since. My other hobbies include ballet, embroidery, tatting, (it's a form of sewing) crochet, sewing in general, cooking, bullet journaling, singing (although I am not the best, lol) piano, calligraphy, skating, swing dancing, and writing. So yeah, that's me. I accept all friend requests and dms are always open! 😊
Normals < Alphas
Fav things:
Fruit: Lemons🍋
Book series: Hunger Games, Virals, and Ranger's Apprentice
Singers: Olivia Rodrigo and Ruth B.
Color: Cremes and soft green tones
Food: 🍔🍟 but I also love Schnitzel
Ballet step: fouettes🩰
*If you see this, tag me in chat with : 🎂 or "cake is yummy" and that would make my day
People that did this:
@Suellen_ ❤️ @Ederle ❤️
@abbey10 ❤️ @UniCorn_98 ❤️
@Sarah_43 ❤️ @clare10 ❤️
@hmmm_ ❤️ @RangerLane ❤️
@Axolatl ❤️ @sage-wolf ❤️
@Kooky_20 ❤️ @TartKitten ❤️
@phantom117 ❤️ @boobooboo ❤️
@apple314 ❤️ @dracula ❤️
@heyy555 ❤️ @mittins ❤️
@bsoftball ❤️ @Wonderbubi ❤️
@Abby22098 ❤️ @Someony ❤️
@xemyvibesx ❤️ @Oak_55 ❤️
@LA_Knots ❤️ @MaeveMakes ❤️
@_broken_ ❤️ @TKEStrong3 ❤️
@joya_xD ❤️ @Mirabelle_ ❤️
@nonebutme ❤️ @-Nobody- ❤️
@craft_raft ❤️ @nevermoor ❤️
@shelby2009 ❤️ @nonhuman ❤️
@PatriciaLi ❤️ @vntxgedays ❤️
@magicknot4 ❤️ @CrazyKoala ❤️
@Jugucy ❤️ @h1o0r8s3e4 ❤️
@pablotimon ❤️ @Potato48 ❤️
@BeachyEm ❤️ @ilovekeefe ❤️
@-adds- ❤️ @tiny_rose ❤️
@rstring5 ❤️ @blac_h ❤️
@SBGal_13 ❤️ @4741119 ❤️
@sage-wolf ❤️ @Miacatbb ❤️
@xAbigailx ❤️ @crafty_flo ❤️
@Beeskin ❤️ @fishyknots ❤️
@EdenB ❤️ @AlmaLlama ❤️
@Emily_1105 ❤️ @Penny101 ❤️
@catpotato ❤️ @happyrobin ❤️
@Lilacsm ❤️ @ioana_23 ❤️
@NickRye99 ❤️ @Horrorbaby ❤️
Message me with: 🍕 And tell me you're favorite food and it will be in my bio.
@hmmm_'s fave food is Rice Krispies 🥣
@UniCorn_98's fave food is Pink Sauce Pasta 🍝
@Suellen_'s fave food is Pizza 🍕
@_Ederle's fave foods are Waffles 🧇 and Baked Potatoes 🥔
@Axolatl's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@PastelLily's fave food is Chick Fil A 🥡
@KrazyKnotz's fave food is S'mores 🍫
@Laine_gym's fave food is Hamburgers 🍔
@boobooboo's fave food is Pancakes 🥞
@bearsbears's fave food is Salad 🥗
@dracula's fave food is Blueberries 🫐
@mittins's fave food is Kiwis 🥝
@bsoftball's fave food is Cake 🎂
@abbythread's fave food is Crunch Wrap Supreme 🌮
@-killagoat's fave food is Chicken Chili 🍲
@ll's fave food is French Toast 🍞
@Abby22098's fave food is Chick Fil A 🥡
@mhgfx's fave food is Ramen 🍜
@N_O_P_E's fave food is Broccoli 🥦
@xemyvibesx's fave food is Penné Pasta 🍝
@LA_Knots's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@friz_ay's fave food is Fried Ice Cream 🍨
@Mirabelle_'s fave food is Burritos 🌯
@YogiDoodle's fave food is Chicken Alfredo 🍝
@-Nobody-'s fave food is Burritos 🌯
@Vienna_123's fave food is Pickles 🥒
@nevermoor's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@Londyn_36's fave foods are Manicotti 🥟 and Watermelon 🍉
@pinoval's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@shelby2009's fave food is Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo 🍝
@nonhuman's fave food is Ramen Noodles 🍜
@Potato48's fave food is Donuts 🍩
@marleys's fave foods are Steak 🥩 and Baked Potatoes 🥔
@h1o0r8s3e4's fave food is Ice Cream 🍦
@leahnoel's fave food is Spaghetti 🍝
@sacojoh's fave food is McDonald's 🍔🍟
@sunknots's fave food is Pasgetti 🍝 and Chicken Alfredo 🍝
@ilovekeefe's fave food is Mac n' Cheese 🥣+🧀
@NorthKnots's fave food is Pineapple 🍍
@gingergaze's fave food is Popcorn 🍿
@Athenaaa's fave food is Ice Cream🍨
@sage-wolf's fave food is Tacos 🌮
@srimpy's fave food is Ramen Noodles 🍜
@Miacatbb's fave food is Chicken Pie 🥧
@Urbestie's fave food is Chick Fil A 🥡
@sophie_87's fave food is Mochi 🍡
@excuse_me's fave food is Homemade Sourdough Crackers 🍘
@fishyknots's fave food is Potatoes 🥔
@4741119's fave food is Pasta 🍝
@Jess_Mess's fave food is Lasagna 🍝
@catpotato's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@Lilacsm's fave food is Sushi 🍣
Challenges won:
1st place: 25
2nd: 7
3rd: 6
Top three: 4
Thank you so much for reading and have a fantastic day!! 😎 If you want me to make one of your patterns, just ask. Love you all!
Hi, I'm Cristelia! I started making bracelets somewhere at the beginning of quarantine and have been completely OBSESSED with them ever since. My other hobbies include ballet, embroidery, tatting, (it's a form of sewing) crochet, sewing in general, cooking, bullet journaling, singing (although I am not the best, lol) piano, calligraphy, skating, swing dancing, and writing. So yeah, that's me. I accept all friend requests and dms are always open! 😊
Normals < Alphas
Fav things:
Fruit: Lemons🍋
Book series: Hunger Games, Virals, and Ranger's Apprentice
Singers: Olivia Rodrigo and Ruth B.
Color: Cremes and soft green tones
Food: 🍔🍟 but I also love Schnitzel
Ballet step: fouettes🩰
*If you see this, tag me in chat with : 🎂 or "cake is yummy" and that would make my day
People that did this:
@Suellen_ ❤️ @Ederle ❤️
@abbey10 ❤️ @UniCorn_98 ❤️
@Sarah_43 ❤️ @clare10 ❤️
@hmmm_ ❤️ @RangerLane ❤️
@Axolatl ❤️ @sage-wolf ❤️
@Kooky_20 ❤️ @TartKitten ❤️
@phantom117 ❤️ @boobooboo ❤️
@apple314 ❤️ @dracula ❤️
@heyy555 ❤️ @mittins ❤️
@bsoftball ❤️ @Wonderbubi ❤️
@Abby22098 ❤️ @Someony ❤️
@xemyvibesx ❤️ @Oak_55 ❤️
@LA_Knots ❤️ @MaeveMakes ❤️
@_broken_ ❤️ @TKEStrong3 ❤️
@joya_xD ❤️ @Mirabelle_ ❤️
@nonebutme ❤️ @-Nobody- ❤️
@craft_raft ❤️ @nevermoor ❤️
@shelby2009 ❤️ @nonhuman ❤️
@PatriciaLi ❤️ @vntxgedays ❤️
@magicknot4 ❤️ @CrazyKoala ❤️
@Jugucy ❤️ @h1o0r8s3e4 ❤️
@pablotimon ❤️ @Potato48 ❤️
@BeachyEm ❤️ @ilovekeefe ❤️
@-adds- ❤️ @tiny_rose ❤️
@rstring5 ❤️ @blac_h ❤️
@SBGal_13 ❤️ @4741119 ❤️
@sage-wolf ❤️ @Miacatbb ❤️
@xAbigailx ❤️ @crafty_flo ❤️
@Beeskin ❤️ @fishyknots ❤️
@EdenB ❤️ @AlmaLlama ❤️
@Emily_1105 ❤️ @Penny101 ❤️
@catpotato ❤️ @happyrobin ❤️
@Lilacsm ❤️ @ioana_23 ❤️
@NickRye99 ❤️ @Horrorbaby ❤️
Message me with: 🍕 And tell me you're favorite food and it will be in my bio.
@hmmm_'s fave food is Rice Krispies 🥣
@UniCorn_98's fave food is Pink Sauce Pasta 🍝
@Suellen_'s fave food is Pizza 🍕
@_Ederle's fave foods are Waffles 🧇 and Baked Potatoes 🥔
@Axolatl's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@PastelLily's fave food is Chick Fil A 🥡
@KrazyKnotz's fave food is S'mores 🍫
@Laine_gym's fave food is Hamburgers 🍔
@boobooboo's fave food is Pancakes 🥞
@bearsbears's fave food is Salad 🥗
@dracula's fave food is Blueberries 🫐
@mittins's fave food is Kiwis 🥝
@bsoftball's fave food is Cake 🎂
@abbythread's fave food is Crunch Wrap Supreme 🌮
@-killagoat's fave food is Chicken Chili 🍲
@ll's fave food is French Toast 🍞
@Abby22098's fave food is Chick Fil A 🥡
@mhgfx's fave food is Ramen 🍜
@N_O_P_E's fave food is Broccoli 🥦
@xemyvibesx's fave food is Penné Pasta 🍝
@LA_Knots's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@friz_ay's fave food is Fried Ice Cream 🍨
@Mirabelle_'s fave food is Burritos 🌯
@YogiDoodle's fave food is Chicken Alfredo 🍝
@-Nobody-'s fave food is Burritos 🌯
@Vienna_123's fave food is Pickles 🥒
@nevermoor's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@Londyn_36's fave foods are Manicotti 🥟 and Watermelon 🍉
@pinoval's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@shelby2009's fave food is Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo 🍝
@nonhuman's fave food is Ramen Noodles 🍜
@Potato48's fave food is Donuts 🍩
@marleys's fave foods are Steak 🥩 and Baked Potatoes 🥔
@h1o0r8s3e4's fave food is Ice Cream 🍦
@leahnoel's fave food is Spaghetti 🍝
@sacojoh's fave food is McDonald's 🍔🍟
@sunknots's fave food is Pasgetti 🍝 and Chicken Alfredo 🍝
@ilovekeefe's fave food is Mac n' Cheese 🥣+🧀
@NorthKnots's fave food is Pineapple 🍍
@gingergaze's fave food is Popcorn 🍿
@Athenaaa's fave food is Ice Cream🍨
@sage-wolf's fave food is Tacos 🌮
@srimpy's fave food is Ramen Noodles 🍜
@Miacatbb's fave food is Chicken Pie 🥧
@Urbestie's fave food is Chick Fil A 🥡
@sophie_87's fave food is Mochi 🍡
@excuse_me's fave food is Homemade Sourdough Crackers 🍘
@fishyknots's fave food is Potatoes 🥔
@4741119's fave food is Pasta 🍝
@Jess_Mess's fave food is Lasagna 🍝
@catpotato's fave food is Pizza 🍕
@Lilacsm's fave food is Sushi 🍣
Challenges won:
1st place: 25
2nd: 7
3rd: 6
Top three: 4
Thank you so much for reading and have a fantastic day!! 😎 If you want me to make one of your patterns, just ask. Love you all!