Bracelet King
Joined: 3 years, 12 months ago
🚫 no longer active🚫
when someone tells you their depressed take them serious
when someone tells you they wanna end their life do what ever you can to change their minds and help them
when someone tells you their struggling mentally don't brush it off
when someone tells you their anxious or they struggle with anxiety comfort them
when someone is hurting and feel like there's no reason to live give them a reason be the reason
Americans are greedy , selfish , and toxic and they do not take care of people as they should and that is why
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US for all ages.
Every day, approximately 130 Americans die by suicide.
There is one death by suicide in the US every 11 minutes.
Suicide takes the lives of over 48,500 Americans every year.
Under half of all Americans experiencing an episode of major depression receive treatment.
There is one suicide for every estimated 25 suicide attempts.
There is one suicide for every estimated 4 suicide attempts in the elderly.
Nearly 800,000 people die by suicide in the world each year, which is roughly one death every 40 seconds.
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24 years.
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
When there's kids, teens, and adults killing themselves everyday because of the way they have to live, and the world around them then there's a problem and people need to take a step back and take a look at themselves I don't care what people say our world is toxic and evil and I hate it. also no one ever wants to help these ppl they just wanna throw them on some pills and call it good.
Another 100 reasons to stay alive ♥️
1. The salty smell and calming sound of the beach
2. You would hurt a lot more people that love you more than life itself
3. Hot chocolate on cold winter days
4. Your mom's smile
5. Your best friend's laugh/ soon best friend
6. Seeing little kids you know grow
7. The feeling of the sun against your face
8. Hearing the words “I love you”
9. Not being able to sleep/the feeling you get the night before a holiday
10. Birthdays
11. Quiet late night drives
12. Missed opportunities and adventures
13. The feeling of lying in bed after a long day
14. Long hot showers
15. Music that you connect with/favorite artists
16. You have a purpose
17. You can change somebody’s life
18. Snowball fights
19. Concerts
20. Watching people fall
21. As long as you heart is beating, there is hope
22. You will regret dying
23. Falling in love
24. Marriage
25. You are enough
26. Pain is only temporary
27. Late night food runs with your friends
28. The sound of rain
29. Reading powerful quotes
30. Eating your favorite foods
31. Stars
32. Good movies
33. Having children
34. Staring at clouds and finding pictures within them
35. Meeting new people
36. Your struggle will make you stronger
37. You have a lot of people that love and support you
38. Being able to say, “I made it”
39. Genuine smiles
40. Bonfires
41. You matter
42. Time heals most wounds
43. Your first apartment/house
44. The crunch of leaves in the fall
45. Finding your soul mate
46. Meaningful hugs
47. Being in/attending someone’s wedding
48. You are worth it
49. Sunday night football
50. The smell of Christmas trees
51. People care about you; lots of them in fact
52. Sunsets
53. Ice cream
54. You are brave
55. Things really do get better
56. Dogs
57. Cats
58. Pets in general
59. Rainbows
60. You are amazing
61. The city
62. Traveling
63. Vacations
64. Road trips
65. Hearing awesome stories
66. Inside jokes
67. Coffee
68. Snowmen
69. Your talents
70. You’ll disappoint the people that love you by letting your illness win
71. The feeling of pure joy/happiness
72. You will be happy one day
73. All-nighters with your friends
74. Cuddling
75. Reunions with your friends/high school/college
76. Re-connecting with someone you haven’t talked to in years
77. Smiling
78. Seeing someone else smile
79. You are beautiful
80. Decorating you house/apartment
81. Capturing perfect moments on camera
82. You would be missed
83. Quiet bookstores/small restaurants
84. Your favorite hobby
85. Swimming on a hot day
86. Being cozied up with blankets
87. Feeling refreshed after a nice nap
88. Helping other people
89. Watching the people you love become successful
90. Becoming successful yourself
91. Babies/little kids
92. Cute old people
93. Love stories
94. You are strong
95. You will be proud that you continued to live
96. The feeling of grass under your feet
97. Telling crazy stories
98. The smell of rain
99. Watching lightning
100. YOU ARE LOVED. (You might not know it sometimes)
And a million more reasons 🥰
"suicide doesn't end the chances of life getting worse. It prevents it from ever getting better"
The hardest part about depression is hating yourself, the hardest part about hating yourself is realizing you're stuck with a person you hate for the rest of your life."
"Trust is like an eraser , it gets smaller after every mistake"
Jesus Loves YOU!
He died for your sins, you are forgiven, forget the past and live today like it’s your last!
You are loved, wanted, cared about, needed, and BEAUTIFUL! The world wouldn’t be the same without you!
Love the body God gave you, for you were made in his image!
God looked at the world and decided it wouldn’t be finished without YOU! He loves you eternally and he will never give up on you!
You don’t have to be a Christian, or believe in God. But know that you are loved, no matter what others say, you are loved.
You are never too far gone.
I’ll be praying for you, and if you need a certain thing prayed for, just send a message, because I care, I care about you!
Have a blessed day!
You don’t have to believe in God to still believe that you are loved, wanted, needed, cared about, beautiful and no matter what you believe these things apply to you!
I'm working on more encouragement for others, but today I felt the sudden urge to share this with you!
Spread Kindness, Not Hate
when someone tells you their depressed take them serious
when someone tells you they wanna end their life do what ever you can to change their minds and help them
when someone tells you their struggling mentally don't brush it off
when someone tells you their anxious or they struggle with anxiety comfort them
when someone is hurting and feel like there's no reason to live give them a reason be the reason
Americans are greedy , selfish , and toxic and they do not take care of people as they should and that is why
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US for all ages.
Every day, approximately 130 Americans die by suicide.
There is one death by suicide in the US every 11 minutes.
Suicide takes the lives of over 48,500 Americans every year.
Under half of all Americans experiencing an episode of major depression receive treatment.
There is one suicide for every estimated 25 suicide attempts.
There is one suicide for every estimated 4 suicide attempts in the elderly.
Nearly 800,000 people die by suicide in the world each year, which is roughly one death every 40 seconds.
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24 years.
Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.
When there's kids, teens, and adults killing themselves everyday because of the way they have to live, and the world around them then there's a problem and people need to take a step back and take a look at themselves I don't care what people say our world is toxic and evil and I hate it. also no one ever wants to help these ppl they just wanna throw them on some pills and call it good.
Another 100 reasons to stay alive ♥️
1. The salty smell and calming sound of the beach
2. You would hurt a lot more people that love you more than life itself
3. Hot chocolate on cold winter days
4. Your mom's smile
5. Your best friend's laugh/ soon best friend
6. Seeing little kids you know grow
7. The feeling of the sun against your face
8. Hearing the words “I love you”
9. Not being able to sleep/the feeling you get the night before a holiday
10. Birthdays
11. Quiet late night drives
12. Missed opportunities and adventures
13. The feeling of lying in bed after a long day
14. Long hot showers
15. Music that you connect with/favorite artists
16. You have a purpose
17. You can change somebody’s life
18. Snowball fights
19. Concerts
20. Watching people fall
21. As long as you heart is beating, there is hope
22. You will regret dying
23. Falling in love
24. Marriage
25. You are enough
26. Pain is only temporary
27. Late night food runs with your friends
28. The sound of rain
29. Reading powerful quotes
30. Eating your favorite foods
31. Stars
32. Good movies
33. Having children
34. Staring at clouds and finding pictures within them
35. Meeting new people
36. Your struggle will make you stronger
37. You have a lot of people that love and support you
38. Being able to say, “I made it”
39. Genuine smiles
40. Bonfires
41. You matter
42. Time heals most wounds
43. Your first apartment/house
44. The crunch of leaves in the fall
45. Finding your soul mate
46. Meaningful hugs
47. Being in/attending someone’s wedding
48. You are worth it
49. Sunday night football
50. The smell of Christmas trees
51. People care about you; lots of them in fact
52. Sunsets
53. Ice cream
54. You are brave
55. Things really do get better
56. Dogs
57. Cats
58. Pets in general
59. Rainbows
60. You are amazing
61. The city
62. Traveling
63. Vacations
64. Road trips
65. Hearing awesome stories
66. Inside jokes
67. Coffee
68. Snowmen
69. Your talents
70. You’ll disappoint the people that love you by letting your illness win
71. The feeling of pure joy/happiness
72. You will be happy one day
73. All-nighters with your friends
74. Cuddling
75. Reunions with your friends/high school/college
76. Re-connecting with someone you haven’t talked to in years
77. Smiling
78. Seeing someone else smile
79. You are beautiful
80. Decorating you house/apartment
81. Capturing perfect moments on camera
82. You would be missed
83. Quiet bookstores/small restaurants
84. Your favorite hobby
85. Swimming on a hot day
86. Being cozied up with blankets
87. Feeling refreshed after a nice nap
88. Helping other people
89. Watching the people you love become successful
90. Becoming successful yourself
91. Babies/little kids
92. Cute old people
93. Love stories
94. You are strong
95. You will be proud that you continued to live
96. The feeling of grass under your feet
97. Telling crazy stories
98. The smell of rain
99. Watching lightning
100. YOU ARE LOVED. (You might not know it sometimes)
And a million more reasons 🥰
"suicide doesn't end the chances of life getting worse. It prevents it from ever getting better"
The hardest part about depression is hating yourself, the hardest part about hating yourself is realizing you're stuck with a person you hate for the rest of your life."
"Trust is like an eraser , it gets smaller after every mistake"
Jesus Loves YOU!
He died for your sins, you are forgiven, forget the past and live today like it’s your last!
You are loved, wanted, cared about, needed, and BEAUTIFUL! The world wouldn’t be the same without you!
Love the body God gave you, for you were made in his image!
God looked at the world and decided it wouldn’t be finished without YOU! He loves you eternally and he will never give up on you!
You don’t have to be a Christian, or believe in God. But know that you are loved, no matter what others say, you are loved.
You are never too far gone.
I’ll be praying for you, and if you need a certain thing prayed for, just send a message, because I care, I care about you!
Have a blessed day!
You don’t have to believe in God to still believe that you are loved, wanted, needed, cared about, beautiful and no matter what you believe these things apply to you!
I'm working on more encouragement for others, but today I felt the sudden urge to share this with you!
Spread Kindness, Not Hate