Joined: 4 years, 4 months ago
Hi! I am advocado 10! I love making patterns and variations. i am working hard to get to bracelet super moderator. I never do alphas or forward- backward knots( usually ). I would love for you to rate and add variations to my patterns. feel free to do the patterns and add photos too! I enjoy doing bracelet book and working hard to try and become a super moderator someday. I encourage you to do the same!(As you can see, i accidentally spelled avocado wrong for my profile, and i can not change it 🤪)
I will only accept friend requests from people i know, sorry.
Among us character- 9810epic is my name. pink, with crewmate bundle hat and pet.
favorite foods- pickles, mashed potatoes, and of course, avocados
favorite color- pink. you can tell by my variations
I will only accept friend requests from people i know, sorry.
Among us character- 9810epic is my name. pink, with crewmate bundle hat and pet.
favorite foods- pickles, mashed potatoes, and of course, avocados
favorite color- pink. you can tell by my variations