Gender: Female
Age: 18
Country: Heaven!
Joined: 4 years, 5 months ago
Hi my name is Andie Felt,and I have two sisters who are twins their usernames are @LovelygalI and @Badassgal they joined yesterday
My favorite hobbies are singing and dancing with my friends,making bracelets,and drawing,because they are very fun to do
Many people will say that your not beautiful don't believe them,because your beautiful just the way you are
More of my friends I told about this app are @LovelygalI,@Baddassgal,@Animeweeb,@Loverboy
My favorite hobbies are singing and dancing with my friends,making bracelets,and drawing,because they are very fun to do
Many people will say that your not beautiful don't believe them,because your beautiful just the way you are
More of my friends I told about this app are @LovelygalI,@Baddassgal,@Animeweeb,@Loverboy