Bracelet King
Gender: Female
Joined: 4 years, 8 months ago
Hello, thanks for stopping by! My username is Dalai22, which was chosen because of my beloved dog Dalai, who is the dog in my profile picture❤️
I have been making friendship bracelets for over three years now, wow how time flies!
Some facts about me are:
1. I absolutely LOVE reading, I’d write what my favorite book is but that is constantly changing based on my mood!
2. My favorite movies are probably all of the Lord of the Rings movies and Pride and Prejudice(the 2005 version).
3. I love Lana Del Rey, her music is what I listen to the most.
4. I have an unhealthy obsession with buying books that I have already read for my collection (meaning my bookshelf) and with buying more embroidery floss whenever I encounter some in a store.
5. One final fact about me is that I have two dogs, both Tibetan Spaniels, and they are my absolute entire world 💕
I have been making friendship bracelets for over three years now, wow how time flies!
Some facts about me are:
1. I absolutely LOVE reading, I’d write what my favorite book is but that is constantly changing based on my mood!
2. My favorite movies are probably all of the Lord of the Rings movies and Pride and Prejudice(the 2005 version).
3. I love Lana Del Rey, her music is what I listen to the most.
4. I have an unhealthy obsession with buying books that I have already read for my collection (meaning my bookshelf) and with buying more embroidery floss whenever I encounter some in a store.
5. One final fact about me is that I have two dogs, both Tibetan Spaniels, and they are my absolute entire world 💕