Gender: Female
Age: 17
Country: Down the rabbit hole xd
Joined: 4 years, 9 months ago
Hello! My Favorite pattern is the Alpha type. XD (Am I weird?)
-I love harry potter
-I love warrior cats
-I love reading
-I LOVE cats!!!
-I have 1 bunny name is Spots
-I have been doing this for 2-3 years
-Sign: Aquarius
-I am shy but supportive 😄
- My discord! : +*Shadow_Aura*+#7924
I’m doing custom bracelets!!! Dm me if you want me to do a costom bracelet for you! Here’s the format:
1. Alpha or normal?
2. How many?
3. Color(s)
4. What kind of pattern?
You can DM me from discord or Message me on Braceletbook!
Go show my sis some support! She just joined!!! ❤️
Her username is GalaxyKit1
-I love harry potter
-I love warrior cats
-I love reading
-I LOVE cats!!!
-I have 1 bunny name is Spots
-I have been doing this for 2-3 years
-Sign: Aquarius
-I am shy but supportive 😄
- My discord! : +*Shadow_Aura*+#7924
I’m doing custom bracelets!!! Dm me if you want me to do a costom bracelet for you! Here’s the format:
1. Alpha or normal?
2. How many?
3. Color(s)
4. What kind of pattern?
You can DM me from discord or Message me on Braceletbook!
Go show my sis some support! She just joined!!! ❤️
Her username is GalaxyKit1