Gender: Female
Joined: 5 years, 2 months ago
I have always found friendship bracelets interesting ever since I saw my older sister making them. I first really started making bracelets after I was given the Friendship Bracelets workbook by Laura Torres published by Klutz, for my tenth birthday and for a long while the only bracelets I made were with the ten bracelets patterns featured in this book. I have always found bracelet making an enjoyable creative activity that helps me unwind, but until recently I had not really considered bracelet making having such unlimited creative possibilities. While I would consider myself at an intermediate ability working normal bracelet patterns,however I am practically a novice when it comes to using beads and charms,using loops or triangle ends to start a bracelet,working with alpha patterns,and building up a decent collection of floss colors and types. I am looking forward exploring all that bracelet-book has to offer and will be open both advice, encouragement,and friend requests from the community!