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Chainlink Bracelet
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Things you will need
- scissors
- string
- a way of holding the bracelet in place while making (I'm using tape)
Step 1
With your string cut 4 or more pieces, tie them together in a knot, and secure them for making the bracelet.
Step 2
Separate your strings into 4 groups, as equal as possible.
Step 3
Take 2 of the groups and twist them both in the same direction. I twisted them to the left.
Step 4
Take your 2 twisted groups and twist them together in the opposite direction as originally. In this step I twisted them together to the right. Secure it with either tape, a knot, or a rubber band so it will not come loose or undone.
Step 5
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the two leftover groups.
Step 6
Now, twist the two twists you've already made together in the original direction - the opposite direction as the last step. In this step I twisted them to the left.
Now you have your completed chainlink bracelet! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and like how your bracelet turned out 🙂

Thanks for reading,