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Zig Zag Bead Braid Bracelet
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Things you will need
- string
- beads
- a way of holding the bracelet in place while making (I'm using tape)
Step 1
With your string, cut 3 pieces, tie them together in a knot, and secure them for making the bracelet.
Step 2
Start regularly braiding your strings together for at least 10 stitches. You can braid by crossing the left string over the middle string, crossing the right string over the now-middle string, and repeating.
Step 3
When you've reached the length you want for the beginning part of the braid, slide up your first bead on the strand which is now on the left.
Step 4
Now cross your left strand over your middle strand, keeping the bead on the left side and not letting it slide into the middle.
Step 5
Slide up your second bead on the strand which is now on the right.
Step 6
Now cross your right strand over your middle strand, keeping the bead on the right side and not letting it slide into the middle.
Step 7
Keep repeating steps 3-6 until you have braided beads the length you want.
Step 8
Braid the rest of the bracelet normally without adding beads. Try to keep it around the same length/number of stitches for the beginning braid.
Step 9
Finish off your bracelet by tying a knot at the end.
Now you have completed your zig zag bead braid bracelet! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and like how your bracelet turned out 🙂

Thanks for reading,