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Double sided keychain
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Hi! In this tutorial I will teach you how to knot a keyring into your bracelet. You should start by picking out a pattern that you like. I chose pattern #4251 by adrianna.
Once you’ve chosen your pattern start knotting it UPSIDE-DOWN. This is very important if you want the pattern to be the right way up in the end.
Once you’ve gotten to the place where the ring should be, make a couple of extra background rows just in case.
Place the ring in the middle. Pull the centre threads through it and leave the ones at the sides as they are.
Make a row as you would in any other case and when you get to the ring make an extra tight knot.
Continue with the row and make another tight knot at the other side of the ring.
Make a couple of background knots to secure the ring in place.
Continue with the bracelet.
You may choose a different pattern, design or colour for this side but remember that this time it has to be THE RIGHT WAY UP.
Once you finish the bracelet it should look something like this 🙂
And the other side – like this.
Now you should fold your bracelet in half (the ring should be on top) and take a needle and some string and sow it together.
In the end it should look like this.
I made a collage out of the front and back side of my keychain.
Thank you for looking through my tutorial 🙂
By Racoon.