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Soda can tab bracelet
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In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make a soda can tab bracelet. These bracelets are super easy once you get the hang of it and they don't take long to make. Also, they are very nice looking when you wear them!! 🙂
What you'll need
2 1/2 feet of stretchy cord
22-28 CLEAN soda tabs (I use 24)
Take your first tab and slide it onto the middle of the string.
To put your next tab on, flip the first one over, and slide it on with the rough sides facing each other. Then, bring the strings back up through the first tab.
Now flip your bracelet back over and line up the next tab. Take the bottom string and put it through the top hole and take your top string and put it through the bottom hole.
Flip your bracelet over again. You're going to put another tab on the back. Line the tab up and put the strings through the holes of the last tab.

Keep adding tabs until you reach your desired length.
When you are ready to end your bracelet, line up the last tab below the very first tab.
Now you're going to make your last x. Thread your strings through the holes of the first and last tabs so they come out on the inside of your bracelet.
Now turn your bracelet inside out.
Thread the strings through the loops of the second tab so it lays flat.
Now tie a knot with the two strings and cut of the excess.
Now turn the bracelet back the right way. You have now finished your soda can tab bracelet!! 🙂
Here are the other bracelets I've made. You can have fun using a variety of colors and ribbons and even leather strips in your bracelets. These bracelets are also good because you use recycled material. I really hope you enjoyed making this bracelet!! 🙂
