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Chain Friendship Bracelet
94.4% (9 ratings)
What you will need
- 2 finished friendship bracelets, if you are going to do the optional step leave about 1 inch of extra thread on both ends (I used pattern #7440)

- a chain that is the approximately the length of the friendship bracelets

- a needle

- embroidery floss strand broken down to three strands
Step 1
Line up the chain and one of the bracelets.
Pin the chain to the bracelet.
Overcast stitch.
Using an overcast stitch, sew the bracelet to the chain. (Tip: If you pull your bracelet knots tight like I do, it is much easier to stick the needle in between two knots. Also, it is easier to hold the bracelet and chain very tightly like shown in the picture.) Once you get to the end tie a knot and cut off the remaining thread.
This is what it should look like.
Step 3
Line up the second friendship bracelet on the other side of the chain and use an overcast stitch to sew it on. Once you get to the end tie a knot and cut off the remaining thread.
This is what it should look like once you are finished.
And there you have it; an awesome chain friendship bracelet!