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Variegated double block bracelet
by Adik
100.0% (11 ratings)
What you will need
Three colored skeins of string.
Something for attaching the strings. I like to use tape for attaching the strings to my table when I do these types of bracelets because you have to flip it often.
Cut four strings from each skein or two and fold them in half, depending on the bracelet ending you prefer. See GpailsKids buckle tutorial for my way of ending the bracelet.

You will need 12 strings in three colors for this bracelet. Four strings from each color.

Order of your strings:
Seperate the strings into two groups of six. Take your left string and make five forward knots over your left half of strings. Now take your right string from the right half of strings and make five backward knots.
Connect your groups together with a forward knot in the middle.
Turn the bracelet around.
Again separate the strings into two groups. Take the right string from your left group and make five backward knots.
Now take the left strings from your right group and make five forward knots.
Turn the bracelet around.
Make five forward knots with your left string and five backward knots with your right string.
You have now finished the first double block of your bracelet.
Repeat the steps until the bracelet is long enough. You have now finished the first double block of your bracelet.
This is my finished bracelet.
Again, for the buckle see GpailKids tutorial 🙂

Happy tying!
And here is a pattern for this bracelet.