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How to make a reversible square knot bracelet
by 3lly
98.8% (21 ratings)
This bracelet is very easy to make and is perfect for beginners as it only requires one knot throughout the whole thing.
To start off, cut an arms length each of two colours you will want for the main colours. Then your wrist size X2 and a little bit extra for the base colour (I used 2 lengths of string however it can differ on how big you want your bracelet).
Organise your strings with the base strings in the middle and a colour of each string on either side. Here I have the one red string on the right and one blue string on the left.
Once you've prepared the first knot, what you are going to make is taking the red R string under the base strings and the Blue B string goes under then over and back under the strings like how it's shown in the photo.
Then you repeat the same knot and take the R string under the base strings and the B string goes under then over and back under the string like how it is shown in the photo. The R string is always in the lead and goes under first even though it switches sides.
Depending on your own personal preference you are able to move the strings up and down the base strings to see how bunched up you want them to be. However you will need more of the colour strings if you want it really bunched up as it isn't leaving as much space. Also if it is spread out a lot be aware that the base colour thread will be visible so make sure you like the colour combination.
Here is how I like my bracelet to be bunched and all that’s left is to finish it off with an ending of your choice (I prefer a twist) and a knot and you're complete!
This bracelet is also able to be reversed so you can turn it around and the colours are the opposite for the other way which is super cool. Be sure to ask any questions you may have in the comment section or you can message me on my Instagram (threadsbymilly) and perhaps show a picture as I'd love to see them.

Thank you for reading! 3lly 💗