A triangle start would have this shape: /\ A v-shaped start would have this shape: \/
If you do a triangle start, the bracelet starts in one point. All the strings start there and you can move them where you need them to be afterwards.
If you do a v-shaped start instead, the bracelet starts in two points: one on the left and one on the right. You need to have already moved the strings to the correct side within the loop, because you can't move strings from left to right or from right to left immediately after the loop.
If you were to do a start in the shape of a v, you would need to bring the strings to the correct side inside the loop. MashaKnots has a video explaining how to. Search for 'loop with odd numbers of thread'
I can't show you in a picture as it is not possible to share pictures in comments.
I'm not sure, if I understood all your questions properly.
@halokiwi thank for responding. First of all what is a v start? Also, if I do that I do I put the strings on the correct side interested loop. Would you be able to should be with a picture?
If you do a loop and a TRIANGLE start, you can just to the loop regularly and order the strings afterwards. If you don't do a triangle start, but for example a v-shaped start, you would need to put the strings on the correct side in the loop already. @nishu92
@halokiwi can you explain how to order strings for triangle after the loop. If I start the loop with red do I need to make the knot has bother red strings come to left side.