@DailyBay Lol mine have actually curled up even more after wearing them! 🤪 😂 Then again the ones I wear take quite a beating because I'm too lazy to ever take them off when I get in the shower, wash dishes, go swimming, etc. LOL! 🙈 😂
@LoopyCat yeah I had the same problem with small bracelets including this one but I just kept messing with the bracelet and eventually it stopped bending
@mante_@DailyBay Thanks for posting your photos! I'm happy to see how super cute & pretty your bracelets turned out! 👍 ❤️ I often have trouble with thinner bracelets curling up on the edges, and I'm not sure why... Maybe I'm pulling my knots too tight?? I haven't really figured it out! 🙈