At first I was a little bit confused by the scheme, but then when I watched the video I understood quickly, It explain clearly how to do it step by step. The bracelet is so cute 🌼
@Tikilishi thank you so much and exactly what I would like to respond. The pattern format of braceletbook is excellent however there are limitations such as there isn’t a way to represent making one knot on two or more strings, knotting horizontally( or upwards) although it’s a normal pattern etc. In these cases i try to make the pattern as close as possible especially number of threads and colors but sometimes it doesn’t work well. @Crispula@c8dschmid
@Crispula@c8dschmid I'm thinking the reason this could be, is because the creator of the pattern probably intended for the bracelet to look like the tutorial, but here on BraceletBook, we're unable to represent exactly the way its intended to look because of the type of bracelet it is. 🙂 So the tutorial and the photos are likely the true representation of what the creator was going for with this pattern. 🙂 Does that make sense? 🙂 Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong @ponotama 🙂 (Your tutorials are awesome by the way!)
Don't know why but reading the pattern and watching the tutorial doesn't seems to me the same bracelet. 🤔 Probably I'm reading It wrong...I'm following the tutorial anyway and it is so good. Thanks @ponotama ❤️