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freezetta |
3 days, 6 hours ago by freezetta
it works better for each petal if you close it the way you would a starting loop. it keeps the petals closed better.
freezetta |
4 days, 9 hours ago by freezetta
nevermind i figured it out. it's yes lol
freezetta |
4 days, 10 hours ago by freezetta
for knots 13-27 do i do them over all the strings on each side? or do i leave some of the middle color out?
halokiwi |
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
@freezetta you could probably "hide" some more strings of different colours in the bf and fb knots of the petals and then you can switch to a new colour each petal. I never knotted this pattern, so I'm not sure, if it actually works, but I think it should be possible 🙂
freezetta |
1 year, 10 months ago by freezetta
Is it possible to make like different colored petals? So it’s like a rainbow flower?
goldflower |
2 years ago by goldflower
@paulasophi each flower used about 30 inches of petal colored string but you'll need to add extra for the ties at the end
paulasophi |
2 years ago by paulasophi
@goldflower I'm thinking of making singular flowers as little keychains, do you think you could estimate how much of the "petal-colour" string would be necessary?
goldflower |
2 years ago by goldflower
@TorkaST sorry there's no tutorial. Up to row 9 those knots are made over 3 strings, like a loop. Row 11 to 49 is made exactly like the pattern shows. When you make a center flower colored knot you push that up next to the other knots of that color
TorkaST |
2 years ago by TorkaST
Is there a tutorial somewhere? I'm trying this right now but kind of don't get how the middle of the flower is supposed to joined??
paulasophi |
2 years ago by paulasophi
This is so cute! I ought to give it a try 😍