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Traveler |
3 years, 1 month ago by Traveler
@freezetta There is also a video on youtube by Masha Knots called "MORE ON TRIANGLE ENDS [CC] || Friendship Bracelets" that might help.
freezetta |
3 years, 1 month ago by freezetta
@Traveler i can’t believe i didn’t think of that! thank you so much!
Traveler |
3 years, 1 month ago by Traveler
@freezetta You might also want to split the strings into four groups, two going towards the middle and two going towards the edges when doing it straight across when it's big. That way you don't have to make a giant loop that goes from one end to the other.
Traveler |
3 years, 1 month ago by Traveler
@freezetta That should work a little better because then you can tension it all together properly. You could do a teardrop loop too and just find a spot in the pattern that makes a natural V to start instead of starting exactly at the start of the pattern. I have trouble with teardrop loops too, they never quite work out just right, but they get better every time I make one.
freezetta |
3 years, 1 month ago by freezetta
@Traveler so basically if i start out with a straight line loop instead of a teardrop loop it’ll work better? cuz i tried doing a teardrop loop for a really big pattern already and it turned out pretty badly 😅🥲
Traveler |
3 years, 1 month ago by Traveler
@freezetta I just made #117437 for you. It's 24 strings, but I can't make it any smaller than that. For larger patterns I find going row by row to begin with helps and then switching to segmented knotting if the pattern can be done that way.
freezetta |
3 years, 1 month ago by freezetta
@Traveler is there a narrower version of this pattern? i don’t want to halve it because it’s beautiful but i don’t know how to make things this big yet.
stewon6969 |
3 years, 5 months ago by stewon6969