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by thepastelc
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shigaraki |
3 years, 5 months ago by shigaraki
@Omneque I would recommend watching Masha Knots Video Called "FLAT ALPHA BRACELETS - BEGINNER TUTORIAL || Friendship Bracelets" where she explains how to do color switches with the flat alpha technique and what the straight edges technique is. The Video helped me with my first alpha a lot and I would definitely recommend watching it. She also explains how to do color switches on the edges. Hope it helps.
Omneque |
3 years, 5 months ago by Omneque
Okay I'm kinda confused- i get the gust of alpha bracelets but u don't understand how to do the color switches on rows 6 and 7 with the yellow and white. This is my first alpha bracelet if that helps
Chaty_Chun |
3 years, 5 months ago by Chaty_Chun
Yes bakusquaddddd