@crossy0000 I’m glad to help. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. I found this awesome book with funny snarky patterns. It also gives good practical advice. Feminist Cross Stitch by Stephanie Rohr. It’s not your grandmas cross stitch but she’d probably get a kick out of it.
@crossy0000 I like that you’re using the alpha patterns for cross stitch. I love doing cross stitch. Can I give you some cross stitch advice? When you use a fabric like that, you make your stitches over 2 threads. So in the middle of your X there are actually 4 strands. 2 going each direction. Also you might want to separate the strands of floss and use just 3 strands. Or 2 strands folded in half. Using all 6 strands can make your stitches too big and crowded. Keep up stitching. It’s loads of fun. 💜